Add a new ref

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by nuke, May 10, 2006.

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  1. nuke

    nuke Member

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    I like to see a upgrade for the ref that 2x the hits it takes and also allow it to take more damage
  2. Hipskovski

    Hipskovski Member

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    Actually this has been posted before and I think it was a no.
    IMO it should be a no, Eco is fine the way it is right now if not only a bit but adding the option of researching to 2x will just make it easier for someone who already has alot of refs to have even a bigger advantage over the losing team. We should be trying to find ways of making a team be able to come back and not have the round is settled within first 5 minutes not make it worse.

    Sorry, I think its fine the way it is.

    If it was to be added It should cost alot of res like 5k-10k to discourage comms from doing it untill last minute.

    Would be nice to be able to have the big tank battles like before but not at th cost of making it harder for the other team.
  3. nuke

    nuke Member

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    How about just a hitpoint upgrade for ref then it would give the losing team a better chanse ( sorry for bad spelling) of winning
  4. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    these things go both ways, nuke. Making the refs more difficult to kill might just have the OPPOSITE effect-- the losing team has no problem holding on to it's FEW refs, the two or three that are very close to the spawns. Most of the time, the winning team is holding those other refs way out on the map, giving it the edge. Making those far off refs more difficult to kill would just make it harder for the losing team to come back. When you have a change, you have to think about what would happen if A. Everyone had it, or B. the situation were applied worst case

    Also... HOLLA BACK HIPOVSKY! Quit playing HIDDEN and start scout-sniping, you wuss!
  5. Goose

    Goose Member

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    I don't feel adding more hitpoints to things is the way to go. The grenadier already gets very obsolete near end game. I really dont want to have to use all my mortar and rocket rounds just to be able to take out 1 refinery.
  6. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    An interesting idea would be able to upgrade refs, yes. But only to make them into mini-outposts. Perhaps make them enterable, with gunslits, and perhaps a staircase to the roof, which is covered in sandbags. Slightly more hitpoints would be nice as well, but certainly less than +100%.
  7. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    well if we need that, what happened to the turret and bunkers idea that we had in the old forum. I think one of the best options for creating even games (ones where the losing team can come back) is to make the few refs close to spawn more valuable, producing twice as much for instance, than the refs in the middle.
  8. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    Typically, whoever holds the middle usually is on the way to victory anyway. Doubling the res amount from those will not even things up. Except maybe on the island.

    What happened to the bunker idea, anyway? I really liked that.
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