Officers: The New Command Class & Assistant Cmd. Staff

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by MiamiHeat87, Jul 14, 2009.

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  1. MiamiHeat87

    MiamiHeat87 Member

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    This isn't really about a class in itself like Engineer or Rifleman. This is about the commander aspect of gameplay. We have soldiers and then we have a commander. In the real military a commander can't get everything done by himself. In the real military, a company commander has several radios. Not one radio but several to help him coordinate different aspects of the battlefield from communicating with air strikes, to artillery, to armor, to his infantry platoons themselves.

    I suggest we add assistant commanders in charge of specific aspects of gameplay.

    A commander has many things to worry about and all commanders have assistants. Not worrying about the problems such as.. no one wants to command so if we can't even get a commander who is going to assist!

    Think of it like this.

    No commander, you lose. Simple.

    Commander and no assistants, you won't lose. The assistants are there to assist and to force multiply the abilities of the commander and team. They are there for micromanagement as the commander simply can't do everything at once. In big games these slots are likely to be filled. The team that doesn't have these assistant slots filled are more likely to lose. Simple as that.

    So here how it works. You have your main commander. The General. Then you have your assistants which could be Captains or Lieutenants of whatever. Ranks aren't really important but that be good for immersion if you can put a rank on them or something or they take a rank class. Idk. Anyway.

    The General is still the same, you don't change anything really. The sub-officers change tho. We can add a headquarters building that has different stations in side that you can take control of, or have specific buildings that let you have access to certain functions a commander has. Here is an example.

    Commander builds a satillite communications command building (which could be a small hut with a bunch of antennas sticking out) and one player decides to take up the spot of Satillite Officer. When he steps in the building, he gets a birds eye view. Now he has the ability to spot targets for players. His sole job would be the angel int he sky for infantry squads. You can also try adding special abilities like scan, but the main focus is just having assistant officers. Maybe the job will be boring without special abilities, but if you have enough players and the resources to do so, having these assistants will help.

    We could have a defence officer who builds walls and turrets. We can have officers who command movements of the squads. We can have a sentry officer who maybe has a cmd jeep that patrols the bases making sure there are no ninjas. A research officer. Armor officer. Infantry officer. Someone like an infantry officer could be a special class with special abilities that improve teamwork. Such as relocate or rally that reposition players onto the squad leader, or giving off auras that improve players nearby. An officer in charge of player status that could group up players, give special markers you can see in the game world that helps direct players to the appropriate area.

    Commander should be able to kick out assistants if they grief or have control over the resources an assistant can use.
  2. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    1. Too much coding.
    2. Too much modelling.
    3. Too much balancing.

    IMO, DonMegel's concept is better. I'd link it if I could find it.
  3. Tovarich Cookie

    Tovarich Cookie Member

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    Replace eve online with empires. this is what your suggestion will do to empires.
    Protip: read the F**king stickies.
  4. MiamiHeat87

    MiamiHeat87 Member

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    lol. good picture.
  5. Lee

    Lee Member

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    I do no think that this is a good Idea. Invariably, at least in my opinion, it's better to have just one commander and a lot more men on the field rather than hurting reinforcements and making them do menial tasks.
  6. Deadpool


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    what the holy hell where am i wtf sweet jesus!
  7. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    You are in the true blackhole, the Suggestions forum, where all ideas come to die, kicking and screaming trying to defend their shitness.
  8. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    No need for something like this. If you are commander and have a good team it will work automatically in this way. Then you will have some experienced players at the chokepoints, which are helping you to command.
    If not your only hope is that the other team is worse than yours.
    And as commander you are sometimes very busy. But without this it would be boring.

    I only see the need for assistants if we have 100+ players on the server.
  9. zenarion

    zenarion Member

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    Agree with SIP here. The things that stop people from being efficient commanders are lack of experience, and fucking micspam.
    If i play with my regular 2 friends (hurr durr stack) we have a ventrilo server. Works like a charm. Everyone knows what to do, when to do it. We do this because using the ingame VOIP doesn't cut it. And that is also what stops commanders from being good. I really disagree that you would need to pick 2 Officers for other stuff than commanding.
    Where is the fun in commanding, when you don't get to do the commanding yourself? Can be in spectator mode instead, and passively watch the game.
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