EPIC campfire plugin

Discussion in 'General' started by OuNin, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    Rofl. Ban me for point whoring? Ok. Or you could get rid of the retarded system that promotes it in the first place. What exactly is this thing adding, anyway? Why did all the servers adopt it over night? It's clearly bugged to hell (look at the top 2 scores) and promotes point whoring worse than hl2stats ever did.
  2. spellman23

    spellman23 Member

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    I believe you're referring to using a modified team Elo system. Only rank based on wins vs losses.

    And yeah, HoN uses it and League of Legends uses it. Actually, the League of Legends auto-matcher is incredibly good.

    Problem is smurf account built specifically to screw with the autobalancer, either by griefing or pretending you're weaker than you really are.
  3. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    brb hiding my power level
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I think only BSID server runs it atm. We may try the point tracking part of it, not the balance part, to see what kind of numbers come up.

    Also, you can't ban people for going rifleman or lot, or researching level 3s. Only exploit stuff like underwater money healing.
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i like how the point system considers completely useless stuff like being the one that gets the rax up behind enemy lines that actually made you win (like not at all)
    but well, if i have low scores i can actually join whatever team i want. it has advantages too. pickled will soon only be able to play with noobs or all alone on a team. so i think it works out pretty well.

    thought from someone that doesnt give a fuck about stats
  6. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Haha! You reap what you sow, baby! :D

    I believe if you win against a better ranked team, and you're not so high ranked yourself, then you will gain quite a lot of points like you did. That's the system working, I think.
  7. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    I reap what I sow? I'm doing this for the sake of the community. This thing is obviously broken and incapable of dealing with people exploiting the system. It needs to be removed ASAP. I've already talked to shandy and he's considering taking it off of the learning center as soon as Friday.

    In general the points fluctuate way too much for it to be considered any sort of good ranking system, even exploiting aside. Zeke reported a 200 point loss during one round of escort, down to below 200. If this system is supposed to be a measurement of skill, it should remain fairly static and it should be difficult to have massive swings one way or another. Even after farming my way up to 500 points I was still easily able to gain another 100 points just by farming level 3's for 1 round.

    It's one thing if you don't give a shit about rankings and think that they are pointless. After all, rankings have no affect on gameplay. However, this whole thing's point is to have an effect on gameplay. This is actually supposed to one component for an autobalancer. For those of you who think rank is pointless, this is going to be even worse for you, because now you are going to be dictated to on which team you can play on based on your ranking. Even if this were a better measurement of rank than it is, and had some resistance to exploitation, it would still be a bad thing to the multitudes who think that ranking systems have no place in empires, because now not only do you have rankings, but you also are told which team you can play on based on your rank.

    Considering how points can swing from 400 to less than 200 (the average player has a ranking of 200) for a person like zeke (a person I consider to be a top tier empires player and a person who should always have a top score if this were any sort of true measurement of ranking) I would say that when this thing finally does start autobalancing it's going to be absolutely broken as hell.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Is it actively balancing on the ELC at the moment?
  9. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    You are a narcissist (stop saying you give a damn about anyone besides yourself). You are also so sadly misinformed it's laughable.

    The entire point of setting up the system was to gather data to see if the system would even work. You obviously have absolutely zero experience with software development, or you wouldn't believe your own irrational opinion.

    Your constant comments that boosting your score in the system would lead to any benefit for you are completely false.

    The rankings should've been completely invisible. If they were, we would've been able to evaluate if the system worked (which no one was sure of).

    It would have never been used as a balancer unless the rankings were solid indications of player skill. Even if they were, we would need to conduct further testing to determine how (if at all) the ranks would work with an ATB.

    I guess my point is this was an alpha test at best. It's in no way ready for use in a balancing system until the bugs are ironed out. Your jumping the gun and trying to exploit the system doesn't really have any effect on our testing, but it effects game play, and that's the only reason I cared. Point whoring doesn't exactly fit any of our rules, but it doesn't really matter. It's disruption of normal game play, and it's not acceptable. Let us perform our tests. We'll ask when we want you to try and break it (which should be part of stability testing).

    I seriously hope not. That system needs at least a week before we can even guess at it's effectiveness or reliability.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010
  10. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    As I've explained to you time and time again that if my objective is to artificially inflate my score and have the highest ranking, I am very clearly benefiting from what I am doing. Furthermore, if I am capable of inflating my score, then I am also very clearly capable of deflating it at least as easily, and you and I both know the kind of ramifications there are for intentionally deflating my rank on a ranking system used to balance teams.
    The fact that you threatened to ban me for trying to break it and then spent 30 minutes in spec last night trying to explain to me why nobody cares what i'm doing is proof to the contrary. If nobody cares what I am doing, then GTFO and STFU.
  11. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    If you want to increase your e-penis I suppose...

    True, and that's something that has to be considered (that's the first constructive point you've made so far).

    I don't care if you break it. I care if you screw up games by going lvl3s all the time (you said Sonecha did that with HLX, and that you had already done so with this system) and / or using some other game disruptive tactic to point whore. You're also disrupting games while we are trying TEST an UNPROVEN system, which is annoying and pointless.

    FYI: The turret whoring will become irrelevant soon.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010
  12. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    Since when did killing infantry as a rifleman DISTRUPT GAMEPLAY.
    if you mean that it distrupts gameplay becouse i own the enemy team too badly and make infantry combat "dull" for the enemy due to that, then all i can do is rofl.

    anyway, ill bring this up with napalm the next time i see him online.
  13. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    recon, you need to stop harassing me. you're not going to ban me for researching level 3's or building 50 cal apcs, so just stop saying that you are.
  14. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Let's get some things straight:
    1. We all know exactly what is going on here, stop trying to lie and misrepresent what is really happening
    2. I am only talking about EXTREME cases that disrupt game play regularly for an ENTIRE team.
    If you want to build .50 cal APCs and whore all day, I couldn't care less (if you're being useless to your team on a regular basis, it's still none of my concern). If you disrupt other player's game play, that's when it becomes a problem. Will anyone get banned? I seriously DOUBT it. It has to be something REALLY extreme.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010
  15. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    i never go commander yet u said u would punish me (becouse of rifle whoring specificly) and even if i was a commander and went for lvl 3's i shouldnt be punished, hence ill bring it up with napalm becouse u clearly abuse atm.
  16. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    You still can't take a joke (remember the last time?)... You also didn't bother to read my post in which I specifically said I didn't care if you did that. In no way did any of my posts say that I wanted to punish you in any way, shape or form. I referred to pickled specifically because I know what he's doing will disrupt other player's game play.

    Having a stat system change people's game play styles drastically is the LAST thing that I want ANY kind of balancing (remember, we're talking about an alpha system that is in testing) system to do.

    If you're done making baseless accusations, I have work to do...
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010
  17. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    if you play against pickled, go HE ?_?
  18. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Or nukes.

    The point I'm trying to make is we are trying to alpha test a piece of software. I don't want it to interfere with the game play in the server, and there's no reason it should.
  19. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    you EDITED ur post after i posted mine.
    and there is no damn situations where you can point whore which distrupts for anyone else unless its underwater/sticky nade/turret spam point whoring which is already a bannable offense since before.

    and JOKE MY ASS, its just as "fun" as when dizzyone "joked" about removing access for every tester who participated in the pug instead of doing testing on saturdays... Oh what a amusing "joke".

    Either way, ill talk with napalm about this "joke".
  20. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Nope. I was editing before I saw you post, and I never said one word in any post about anything to do with you.

    When commanders always go level 3 turrets, and modify their game play style to maximize their own points, it disrupts games, and that's what I was referring to, not that you bothered to read my post.

    Obviously, joking or using sarcasm with you just doesn't work.

    You go right ahead.

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