[info] value dimensions

Discussion in 'Coding' started by BlackRedDead, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    this guide wants to aim at metric values to source engine used values

    Valve [dev] wiki - Dimensions

    ...damned, 14,53052634154215 (km to ) seems to be inaccurate, because the based value is just rounded -.-#
    and everything again from start...

    but i wonder why the wiki says
    map scale/lengh 1 = 0.75"
    other sources say 1 = 1 inch (inch&zoll are the same - stupid imperial measurement -.-#)

    also want to note down speed limits (someone pointed out 182km/h is max drivespeed - someone else say's that you should not go above 150km/h - but what does that mean in actual values now?

    i did some math but sadly it was wrong - and im now tired after anoying recherche on that stupid imperial measurement system - unbelievable that ppl are still used to it...
    (my calculator can't show so much "characters" after the decimal ","!)

    anyway, link above shows some values, will try to provide propper calculation values tomorrow again :)
    (used for some more precize calculations about range and speed)

    Vehicle Speed:
    ingame = Km/h
    scripts = mph

    i'm not sure about projectile speeds - i guess its "source world unit per second" so "0,75 inch/zoll per second" or "1 inch/zoll per second"?

    if someone can clarify this that would be nice :)
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  2. Lightning

    Lightning Member

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    max speed on engines should be in MPH not KPH, it will be translated into kph by the game automatically.. i think the ratios 1.5 or something.

    also its widely regarded 1 source unit is 1 inch, even if it isn't your thing.

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