Brenodi Empire : Breaking the meta

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by VulcanStorm, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    This implies that there is a very strong meta within empires... If veteran players arent varying their research choices even with new weapons being added

    So what are the different meta research plans / tank builds for BE? And how can we promote new ones?
  2. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    The new weapons havent been added. I'd wait to have this discussion untill the new update in december. Or is this for the december update?
  3. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    bio cannon... 2 & 3 slot plasma cannons... They're in the game already...

    And the massive power of bio mg...

    I thought these would have affected the meta...
  4. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I havent seen plasma cannon researched since they nerfed the 3slot OP plasma. And Ive been pllaying a lot.

    Bio cannon is good but the engine and armor are bad. Noobs cant use it so you lose games.
  5. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    @Paradox So what makes physics so good then? And why is that better than all the others? I'm interested in your thinking...
  6. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Physics is really good for BE because of a few small things that are all coupled to the central theme, easy to use for noobs and vets.
    For noobs its easy because Ranged cannon + DU are both very fast projectiles thus requiring less predictions. The arch of ranged cannon is also really easy to use since there is basicly none except for really really high range. Ranged cannon is thus a very easy to use weapon that is also quite powerful, same damage as missiles ( atleast guided ) and iduno about otherweapons in relation to this. Du same thing easy to use high dps.
    Reflective is also very good because NF tend to get missiles. Like security said, defelctive has 80 hp but if used correctly it gives 120+ hp. What he fails to mention is if you dont use it correctly you will still get more than 80 hp because of accidental deflection. This combined with the classic turrets fire missiles cause it to be a fail proof combination for noobs and vets to use.

    Fission engine is really good aswel, not because it dissapates heat whilst moving ( although this is really good for vets, noobs dont even know this exists ) but because it's a fast engine. Noobs just never stop whilst driving a tank thus they get to fire more rounds and be hard to hit due to speed of the engine.

    All in all this results in an easy and strong heavy tank that leads to an endgame weapon HIT missiles.

    Physics is a really really OP tree for BE

    edit: 50 cal is also really great to have as a support tool for APC's in infantry tight battles. I havent used it in a long time cause using vehicle MG's against infantry fucking sucks with ping. But I remembered when there used to be a EU server that I would always getin a 50 cal apc just to get those sweet easy kills.
  7. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    Fine let's talk gameplay...

    Weapons: Right now bio weapons are the strongest you can get, however what most people seem to ignore is that they bio effect DO NOT STACK. If you fire dual bio cannons and bio MG it will most often use bio MG's bio effect and not bio cannon's. Which leads to the question, which bio weapon to use? Well the answer is easy if you've ever used bio MG, you know how strong it is. Now for the main weapons of your heavies, not much as changed really, dual ER is still the best because of the arc and velocity of the projectiles for BE. As for NF well most missiles work really, guided for single lanes max DPS, UML for multipurpose and building sniping, and homing for open maps and large population games, gotta stick together with those as you will not be able to take down an enemy tank without your allies because you'd overheat first.

    Armors: Not much to say really, composite, duh. Despite what some people might believe Reflective is absolutely terrible right now and overpriced as hell, I would use reactive, absorbant and regenerative over reflective.

    Engines: Now that is probably the most important part of your tank. How do I keep my tank alive for so long? well I use fast engines and keep moving. You can draw a few conclusions from this. Coolant is a no-no, it's too slow and will lead to a lot of your tanks dying, EVEN and I can't stress this enough EVEN on a one chokepoint tank battle map, no matter how far you have to go, you have to be able to move fast. It is especially important because it increases your tank's rotational speed, which as we well know is extremely slow for NF Heavies. So in the end you'd think there's a choice between 2 engines, 3 phase and fission. However if you know the stats of those engines fission being 6/5 cooling and 3-phase being 5-8 and faster, I'd say that's no choice at all, 3 phase is the best.
    Edit: now one thing to note about cooling when moving and keeping your tank alive by moving. Fission has more cooling when moving, great! However you must understand it only cools more when you press Forward (W) or Backward (S) on your keyboard, so full throttle forward in tanks. And despite having to keep moving in a tank you will more often not be pressing W because it makes it easier to aim. so no, just because fission cools you 1 more while moving doesn't make it better. I would say 75% of the time you're not moving (pressing W or S).
    This, by the way, leads to stuff you can do with coolant such as pressing W 1s and then not and W 1s and not. Giving you about a 50% boost when chasing an enemy or doing whatever while still maintaining max speed (assuming the ground is flat, of course).

    Now what tree to research? Well all I have to say really is, DON'T GO FOR FUCKING PHYSICS.

    Anyway... you asked... I'm sure some people will claim to know better.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2016
  8. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I'm gonna point out a correction. Bio damage effect takes whatever has the higher bio damage, so bio mg doesn't take effect at all if the tank is under effect of bio cannon or bio ml. Just a small consideration, it's part of the reason I still prefer bio ml if given a choice, mostly just so i have a decent anti inf weapon.
  9. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Fission is one of the 2 best engines and ER your best weapon but dont research physixs? Lol
  10. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    Hum, not according to my tests it doesn't. From what I have tested it takes the last bio effect applied.

    To clarify, I meant don't go physics early game, don't research reflective, don't research DU.
  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Oh, coulda sworn candles told me it worked that way when I was asking about it. Well if that's what actual testing results in can't argue against that.
  12. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    What do you suggest then as a research path that encompasses my style of not going more than 1 research tree
  13. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    Uh, that doesn't make sense, if you don't have more than 1 research tree you either don't have weapons or don't have chassis.

    BE: Composite > Gas Turbine > HEMG > HECannon > (Mediums) > Heavies > Bio MG > Ranged Cannon > 3 Phase Engine
    NF: Reactive > 3 Phase Engine > Guided ML > (Mediums > Composite) > Bio MG > Heavies > Composite > Homing and/or UML
  14. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    with 1 research tree I mean opening either bio physics chem or electical

    didnt make sense to you cause you didnt read any of the other posts seemingly

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