Hello everyone we just started empires yesterday and had a fairly full empire server almost all day long. This was realy nice of people in the empire comunity to show up. our server is in San Jose California. Most of our members get around 25 ping on average. What im looking for is links to addons or maps for empires and any help we can get i plan to be around for a long time and hope to meet many people. Our server is its new so ill take all the help you guys want to send my way Once i get the guild to learn how to play (there all noobs) ill start scrimming clans. This is .:FB:. Argeron i left fb when it died as a clan and joined {ZMB} as {ZMB} The Red Baron Beware The Red Baron flies again
I'm too lazy to search for threads with usefull information. Because there are MANY, too many. So I suggest you search the forum or just read every thread with a title that seems interesting. There is a link somewhere with custom maps There are lots of threads in which server optimization is discussed If I'll find one by accident, I'll post it here
Welcome :-) There is a link to a custom map pack as well as tech tree downloads in the "Media" section of the CW forums --> http://www.commwarriors.tk
Alternate link of the On|E site... http://www.online-evolution.org/one-files/MAPS/EMPIRES/Empires.rar Good luck to you and your clan :D
No, he's kept at bay by the Mods, you want to fear the blackhole whores (Ie JPL + KILLX) fear us, fear us greatly. Or if you are feeling sane, don't
*fires Killx out of some sort of contraption that I just made up that combines the names of two completely different things, and into the black hole*
*pounds Arklansman for an hour with his Siege Cannon* I created the Siege Cannon in Soldat with a weapon editor, its a minigun that empties its 1000 round clip in 5 seconds. It fires Cluster Grenades, grenades that explode into 5 smaller grenades. Continuous use of this weapon in reality could level the Pentagon in roughly an hour. You are now an enormous crater. I will link to a screenshot of this weapon in action soon. Siege Cannon pictures: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8
forgot this was here lol well im back looking for new name for clan and making huge west coast 30 man server