Write custom briefings for our official maps

Discussion in 'Community Requests' started by Beerdude26, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Is the briefing intended to be some nicely written paragraph that looks good on the screen but gives no information to the new player ?

    Just curious as to what the purpose is. I know most games go towards fantasy style briefings and hint vaguely towards your goals. But can't we make them so that they keep com's from repeating the same shit every time each of these maps loads?

    I am NOT a fantasy writer - I would certainly filter this through Destroyers more creative brain:

    District - push towards center. Grens and Riflemen will need to push the force through the front lines of the opposition. Engineers with Revive are critical to enable the more veteran of your team to lead you to victory. Flag maps require you take flags in order. Mines laid in key locations can help break opposition rushes.

    Brenodi - Canyon - Alpha squad pushes north, to build a barracks, after which they will meet strong opposition in the treeline. West is a wide range for a less experienced team to meet the enemy where they will attempt to overcome your base and win. Two balanced forces will be key to your survival and victory. It is critical that both forces hold their ground and are able to push through the opposition, in one of the two skirmish locations. If you leave your post your team is surely doomed. Your commander will instruct each team of re-enforcement needs. Engineers with 'repair upgrade' skill are always needed to start the war, but once your initial barracks are built it would be wise to either switch to revive, or turret upgrade. A great engineer will win a war, enabling the skilled hands of the grenadier and rifleman to slice though you opponent.
  2. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't agree with that JGF, the metagame might evolve to the point where that is no longer how you are supposed to play and then the briefing is misleading and needs to be rewritten. As was mentioned before, the briefings are just some backtory/lore/fluff, and the objectives underneath outline what you are supposed to do to win. That's what I'm sticking to when writing my stuff.
  3. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Depends on the map, if there's a key feature that needs pointing out, the briefing is the place to do it. E.g forest's oilrig, maybe mvalley's dam, etc...
  4. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Yes, but that's a feature of the map, not the strategy, ie alpha squad capture oilrig.
  5. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Striking deep into enemy territory, our goal on this mission is to secure this area by any means necessary. While the area is mostly of strategic value, there are a few key points that will be critical in the engagement.

    The southern dam provides a steady flow of resources, and is easily defended by a handfull of infantry, vehicles will have a very difficult time making progress, so infantry squads will be key.

    The north features a powerhouse of resources, but the open area means tanks will be out in force, taking and holding the high ground is vital.

    In addition, the poorly engineered wooden bridges provide excellent defensive positions to hold against enemy armor, but we must take care ourselves to avoid losing vehicles while crossing the narrow chokepoints with little cover.

    We have intercepted communications indicating the Brenodi forces are spearheading their assault into our territory. M. Valley is a critical strategic point for us, and if we don't hold here the Imperial forces will be breathing down our necks.

    It's critical we take and hold the dam, it's spewing out resources and we can hold it quite easily with just a few footsoldiers, but due to it's design, vehicles won't be very useful for assaulting, or defending it.

    Conversely, the northern resource points are almost wide open, it's the ideal location for a base, with large resource deposits and high ground, it'll be an excellent holdout point. Expect tanks to approach primarily from the center of the battlefield, but be aware of enemies attempting to flank through the old makeshift bridges, they're thin and treacherous for vehicles to cross, so ambushing at these locations will be highly effective.
  6. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    That sounds great, but it might be a little too long for the menu. Did you check if it fits?
  7. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Destroyer - I agree with the "Alpha" comment. But I still think we should write up something to help new players on each map. They need information on each map and what makes it different from other maps. District is very different than canyon, and very different from Money. All vets know the default strategies and that is all I am saying we should reveal. What would you tell a new player at the start of each of the maps? Obviously the vets will ignore it. The only time it becomes outdated is when the map changes, and then you need a new briefing. Why wouldn't we have four separate MONEY briefings for the four different versions but at very least warn the new player that defending main is of utmost importance and walls or blocks of some sort need to be addressed before leaving main base.

    On MValley if you played against a team who didn't know to run for S Bend - would they even have a chance ? Does the com really have to say that every single time we play that map and if so what purpose is the briefing if it doesn't tell the team what they are supposed to do. Would any commander have a briefing that was so vague? Won't you be saying TAKE S BEND and no one has even defined what that is. I think Empty hits the right tone for Valley but with two suggestions:
    Define what and where S BEND is. and indicate that the command vehicle would normally setup a forward attack base. I know that it would be rare that a nub would take com but they would know the main base would move.

    Can we start a DOC file and do some collaboration using a cloud account. BOX.COM has 2 Gig free and 25 Gig for developers, and they support collaboration. We could also just put notes into an original document with a list of NF/BE briefs for each map and paste in a map bitmap for reference, including download for players. Or exporting into HTML for posting.
  8. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I like Empty's style of actually bringing up some specific tactical details about the map, like describing where the high value resource points are and stuff, especially if we could get other important details in like points of interest and whatever.
  9. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    I'd imagine the length of empys posts would be ok (removing the gaps).

    Just so you guys know though, I don't check the length of these ingame before I upload so if something gets screwed up I wont know (I do have a quick look at them when it actually loads after the update though)
  10. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I haven't looked in-game either, but Empty's briefings are 7 lines long whereas mine are 4~ (on my end and complletely non-standard browser resolution). My briefings take up slightly less space than the original, which in turn couldn't be much longer at all. I'm too lazy to actually put those into the res file and look, but I'm afraid they're going to be too long.
  11. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    I added this as it appears here but its too long. Can you/someone else edit it down a bit.

    BTW: Description for chain went live with the last patch
  12. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I tried to go a little heavier on the tips (also because I had less ideas), so tell me what you think:


    Riding ahead of the immense dust storm, the Northern Faction forces have run into an Imperial task force near a large complex of ancient structures. While their cultural value must surely be immense, they will be used as a defensive building in the upcoming engagement. The few hillocks in their immediate vicinity offer some protection from both sands and vehicles, but the majority of combat will take place of large, open fields - the old Jekotian vehicles will get some good mileage this time.

    Command has received reports of a large rebel force headed in the army's direction, along with the biggest sandstorm the meteorologists have seen in the recent years. As such, limited visibility is to be expected, but perhaps the bigger problem is the scarcity of any form of cover, be it natural or man-made. The few hills and an immense labyrinth of old ruins is all the soldiers have at their disposal. Because of that, faster, more agile vehicles will have a tactical advantage over the monolith Heavy Tanks of the main battle force.

    EDIT: By the way, I totally assumed that the map is going to be redone and visibility drastically reduced.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
  13. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Took Empty's stuff, redone it in my own way, swapped a couple things around.


    We have intercepted communications indicating the Brenodi forces are spearheading their assault into our territory - Moorkopf Valley's dam is a critical economic point for us, and if we don't hold it the Imperial forces will essentially sever our production capabilities. As such, holding the dam will provide a healthy amount of income at a minimal cost to human resources. The rest of the Valley is wide open with limited natural cover and a prime stage for our vehicles. We can also use the old ramshackle bridges either to cross the deep rivers or ambush Imperial tanks trying to do just that. Buckle up, this fight is key to our cause.

    Striking deep into enemy territory, our goal on this mission is to secure this area by any means necessary. Doing that will cripple the Jekotian economy and shift the power in Imperial favour. However, it's not only the dam that makes the Valley economically interesting - the open fields to the north contain many natural resource seams and offer excellent visibility, making surprise attacks substantially more difficult than usual. However, the rivers dividing the area are deceitfully deep - attempting a crossing will almost assuredly end in a sunken vehicle. Beware of the small wooden bridges as well - they are easily the best ambush points in the entire Valley.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  14. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Some strategy tips for you to phrase anyway you like:
    Snipers will be at the ready so move with agility and unpredictability.
    Beware the value and strategic tragedy that ruins has to offers. If you hole up in ruins death is certain. Your fast mobility and aggression will win the day. The dust storm you see approaching is surely a fleet of enemy vehicles preparing to attack in force. A confident defense, and aggressive dust storm of your own will win the day. You must be everywhere at the same time to win this map.
  15. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    "sniper heaven" should be covered by "open fields no cover".

    If you hole up in ruins and ruins only you don't lose because you're in the ruins, you lose because you don't have the rest of the map. It's as if you only held 2-3 refineries on canyon, unless you do something fast you'll get overwhelmed.
  16. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Strategically a base setup on the high lands has more chance of survival.

    North and as you said damn has critical resources.

    EVERY team will race for north on start of the game as an initial objective. And it is also smart to send a small squad to be damned.

    Water crossing can cost you vehicles.

    Skilled drivers will either make or break your team.
  17. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    But one thing you said was to "Ride ahead of the duststorm". I believe the meaning of dust storm is due to the vehicles rushing around the map, not due to wind.
  18. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    @mvalley: I mentioned the importance of both dam and north and the treachery that is the small bridges and the vast open fields again. High ground expansion didn't fit in there, but it's not as huge of a deal.

    @duststorm .....I totally mentioned that I wrote it assuming a proper dust storm was added to the map...
  19. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    You did for BE, but not NF. That is I am assuming you red text is NF, and blue BE. If I'm reading it wrong then I have no comment.
  20. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Yeah I put different stuff in each briefing because of space constraints. You can still read both to get a fuller image of the map, nothing stops you.

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