I'm just curious as to what skills people take, and when they usually take them. Here is what I do: Infantry Engie: Revive-->Speed (I know I *should* get repair, but it's annoying to play without speed upgrade :\)-->Repair-->HP up/Accuracy. Sometimes, I'll interchange speed and repair depending on the situation; if I'm defending, I'll take repair, and if we're attacking, I take speed second. Vehicle Engie: Repair-->Vehicle cooling-->Speed--> HP Regen. Infantry Grenadier: Speed-->HP Up-->From most common to least common: Accuracy/HP Regen/Ammo upgrade-->From most common to least common: Ammo upgrade/HP Regen/Armor Detection/Defusal Vehicle Grenadier: Armor Detection-->Defusal-->Increased Armor-->Speed/HP regen Rifleman: Speed-->HP Up-->Dig in (For Microcrouching)-->Accuracy/Damage Increase (Rare) Vehicle Rifleman: Vehicle damage-->Speed (for stickying tanks)-->Ammo Up (for more stickies)-->HP up Scout: Speed-->HP UP-->Accuracy/Hide (rare)-->HP Regen Vehicle Scout: Vehicle Speed-->Radar Stealth-->Speed-->HP UP
Always speed, unless engineer (revive or build) depending on squad. If driving always a vehicle perk (defusal, cooling, speed or damage) all of which make a noticeable difference.
In order of slots used Engineer: Repair | LVL3 | Revive | Speed(or Aim) Scunt(smg2): Hide <- title duh? | Ammo | Speed(or Aim) | Radar Stealth Grenadier: (Defuse | Ammo) swappable | Speed | HP
24/7 engy bitches. On pubs, I like to take repair, then revive, then health upgrade, then whatever (regen, speed, turret, aim, etc) On a more disciplined game, it varies a ton. I typically find myself going for speed to grab territory and then revive to keep it.
Heavily map- and situation-dependent. I generally prefer to grab speed upgrade on any class as 2nd or 3rd skill.
As engineer, I usually go revive / repair > repair / revive (this depends on map, mostly revive first) > sprint > anything that fits the situation. Any other class, it's always ammo > sprint / defusal (if vehicles at this stage) > HP regen (if no medics) > anything that fits the situation. Other than that, I tend to use the skills that help me adapt with the combat. Varies from map to map too much to pinpoint which skills I use.
@ Viro and Spartacus; why would you guys ever take repair skill first? Spartacus's build is a bit more understandable, because he at least gets revive at 10 points, but Viroman, you seriously don't have revive until 30 points in?
With repair on a pub, you can get 10 points pretty quick by building early refs/raxes/vfs. Before that, you have to remember that it's a pub, so you don't sweat it if you can't revive some noob. If I'm working in a squad in a more serious match, I typically take revive or I make sure other squad mates have revive so I can build our rax/armories with repair.
Well, to be fair, I do take repair until I get the forward rax up, and then switch out to revive. I find that it's much easier to reach 10 points with revive, but I guess I see your point.
Now I know who to talk shit about ,when its the 20th game in a row i die on the front and noone has fucking rev. Revs during first few minutes=serious business.
If I take revive, there's no way I can get a rax up by myself (and I can't count on any help in a pub), so I have to be damn good at reviving noobs that die out in the middle of the battlefield and other bullshit. I'm just not a good enough player to be a good substitute for a functioning rax.
THIS, and I am tired of wasting my time on a rax all by myself while other people who have revive go by me. F U engies with revive who won't build.
It depends on the map. If I' know that I'm going to be building a barracks before reaching the front line, I get repair. If I know I'm going to hit the front line before a barracks goes down, I get revive. Once that barracks is up, I get revive unless I know I'm going to be building more shit. Then I get the other ability > speed > health or turret. Gren: Speed > Health. With enemy tanks on the ground, I'll get Detection and then Ammo. If I'm in a tank, Armor instead of ammo. If there's a strong mine chance, Defusal instead of health. On an infantry map, I'll get melee and defusal or melee and ammo, depending on the situation. Rfile/Scout: Suck with both of them, almost never use them.
I tend to get repair in pubs but whenever I am joined by at least one vet it's revive. Because seriously your rax won't do shit against 3 enemies advancing on you when your dear polak friend lies dead next to you, screaming at you for being a polak dumbass.
engy- repair-revive-speed-lvl3 gren-speed-armor detection/melee-ammo-or a combo, I dunno whatever i need at the time i swap. roflwhore- accuracy-damage-ammo-speed scunt- speed/hide-melee-enhanced senses-ammo ^
Lately I've kind of stopped playing with Speed upgrade as much as I used to. I've found that I'd prefer to take another skill and try managing my stamina more efficiently. I guess my style of play has been influenced by Arma/DayZ a lot, I'm finding that I use cover a lot more effectively now.
i just tried but seriously i cant tell what skills i pick in what order thats too dependend on map and situation. i generally tend to pick health - and if the class allows it (well its basically only gren who has more then 2 useful skills) regen too - at some point in the game. both simply because getting healed is something you cant rely on in empires. as engi i start with repair or revive depending on if i want to follow guys or run off somewhere doing something. in general i dont get lvl3s, lvl1 is sufficient to capture comms. mls are too weak, in terms of damage vs surviveability, for the time and juice it takes to build them. lvl3 mgs on the other hand are quite op but as infantry turns more or less redundant in late game there is little reason to get them either. also on maps like district or escort where people are clusterfucked i figured that healing upgrade is quite cool ... i barely play rifleman, especially mid to late game when im gren. when i do i usually dont pick many rifleman specific skills as i only do it for the 4 stickies, speed and more health (in that order) to go on a suicide bomber mission ... as gren i try to avoid defusal for as long as possible to have ammo upgrade and armor detection. if we are pushing and there are a lot of mines i actually go/drive/crawl/die back to a point where i can switch to it. if im driving i pick armor increase instead of ammo upgrade - armor increase is awesome especially with regenerative. defusal is a must here - at least as 2nd skill. for scunt i have 3 loadouts as sniper i use - regen, ammo, health, accuracy as infiltrator - enh.senses, melee, health, hide to capture the comm - ammo, speed, stamina, health and hopefully a capable apc/jeep driver plus a responsive team :D
Engy: Infantry combat is important (xroads etc) Rev->Repair Up->Speed/Acc->Turret upg Infantry combat is not as important (duststorm etc) Repair->Acc->Speed->Revive/Turret upg Commander build (I rarely play commander but it happens) Repair->Health->Regen->Turret Upgrade Lets me build shit fast, and survive sneak attacks on me because I have extra HP and regen in the CV. I lone wolf a lot on bigger maps grabbing refineries and harassing as engineer so I don't need revive. Gren Speed->Accuracy->Health->Regen Defusal replaces my least important skill when required. Ammo upgrade rarely, mainly when I'm on mine duty. I tend to die before I run out of ammo as grenadier (intentionally, it's better to be aggressive and use every round I have available to deal damage than it is to be defensive and not deal as much damage as I could) I'd use ammo upgrade more if it gave me bonus ammo on spawn. Rifleman Tanky build Accuracy->Health->Regen->Digin Aggressive build Speed->Accuracy->Health->Regen or Stam upg Scout Rifle Build Speed->Accuracy->Stam upg->Regen High mobility and I engage at super long range, regen lets me keep fighting at long distance, where getting hit is rare so I can shrug off an extra bullet or two over the course of a long fight. Harass build Speed->Senses->Accuracy->Regen For sabbing bases and lone refineries. I'll put hide on instead of senses if I need to kill a turret farm but other than that I don't use hide.
Engineer: Repair upgrade--change-> Revive(1st) --> Repair upgrade(2nd skill)-->Health upgrade --> Vehicle Cooling or Accuracy upgrade Repair upgrade--> Revive --> Health upgrade --> Vehicle cooling. Vehicle cooling sucks, but it's the only useful skill at that time. (infantry map) Revive-->Speed upgrade->Heal upgrade -> Health upgrade Rifleman: Health upgrade(accuracy upgrade) -> Accuracy upgrade(Health upgrade) --> Ammo upgrade --> Speed upgrade Ammo upgrade --> Speed upgrade -->Health upgrade --> Accuracy upgrade Grenadier: Speed upgrade-->Health upgrade -> Ammo upgrade(Defusal) --> Defusal(Ammo upgrade) Speed upgrade -change-> Armor detection -> Defusal --> armor increase(only useful in late game)-->Ammo upgrade I evolved this shit continuously in the past 6 years. Also this is just for reference, still situation dependent. Though some are not, if you don't go Rep/Rev as Engi 1st/2nd skill, I would never want to work with you.
Engineer=> Revive Repair speed health ( basicly just staying alive and being a good support ) Engineer tank=> revive repair coolant health regen ( doesnt need explaining ) Engineer tight squad fights => ( level 3's cause it helps so much if its placed well against other squads ) Reviev repair level 3 speed Roflewhore=> ( just infantry upgrades, doesnt need eplaining) Speed health accuracy regen gren infantry=> ( I like the stamina cause you can sprint more I like the jumping shooting sprinting its fun ) Speed health health regen stamina gren versus tank=> (blooob) Speed health health regen armor detect gren in tank=> (bloob) diffusal armor detect health regen armor