I think the dude that made the custom soundpack is great, as does everyone else who uses it. Does this mean he can be a dev and admin the forums?
I don't have a problem with 95% of the empiresmod community but at every turn another one makes me feel sad inside.
It's a custom soundpack, made from other people's work. If he made his own soundpack, using his own sounds that he made, then sure, he can be a dev and moderator imo.
I can make the most beautiful model in the world if I have an unlimited polycount. Show me the paper in which is writen that the particles in empires should have more cpu/gpu time than the WHOLE 3D calculation. It only works more or less cause the rest of the mod is not very cpu demanding. Delivering content is no excuse for poor craftsmanship. On top of that he calls himself a particle artist, thats an insult for real particle artist that know their budget. People told him calmed down that its not quite right, he ignored or insulted them and completly lacks any willingness to accept constructive critism. Its a joke that he now wonders why people are pissed.
The problem is that any shithead who has a bit of knowledge can become a moderator then. I'm not calling any mod here a dumbass, but I don't believe that everyone who can do some small bit of work should be a mod.
Sure, maybe Empty's stuff (before the latest hotfix) wasn't fantastic, and pretty demanding, but do you see particle artists lining up at the door to take his place? Would someone else have done the particles had he not done them? I think not. There's a difference between a small feature and a big one. The new particles is a big one. Stop taking everything so fucking literally. But in short: If someone works in this mod, who the fuck cares if they have moderator on the forums or not? Are people more bothered about the forums than the game? The majority of the people whining here don't even play, which says enough in itself.
Didn't think you were a bumkisser Trickster, not quite sure why you've got your head so far up Empty's ass. Point is Empty is a bad moderator, and the only reason he has it is because he's a developer. It's not about the fact that devs get auto-moderator positions, it's about a self-righteous hypocritical numpty who thinks he has the power of Krenzo when he's just a guy who made some crappy particles that a hell of a lot of people don't like. And don't say you don't like some of them either, you told me when they first came out that the arty effects were ridiculous since you couldn't see a damn thing. If we took an opinion poll I would say that the majority have lost all respect for Empty due to his actions over the past few weeks.
Maybe when empty gets older he can become a better mod, but as you can see from the last couple pages and him confessing that he rage banned me on page 11 that he is not fit to be an admin. I don't give a fuck about the particles, its his lack of maturity with power as admin that needs to be addressed. It's fine to fuck around and tease people but don't take things personal and ban people for it.
Firstly, I didn't once say that Empty was a good moderator. I simply said that it really doesn't matter if he isn't. Secondly, sure, I hate the particles, I even use Pickled's edited versions, but they're still better than the old ones. Hell, I was arguing in the thread where he asked what needed changing and we had quite a few disagreements. But they're still better than the old particles, they still needed doing, and there's still no-one better to replace him. If someone comes along who is willing to do better looking particles, with less visual blocking smoke, and actually does them and gets them into a release, then fuck Empty, replace him and give the new guy moderator. But until then, I don't see why people would rather troll our particle effects guy out, just because they disagree with the way he moderates the forums. And on top of that, they expect him to do the work without being given any sort of special privileges for it. Is moderator on a forum really that much in exchange for working on the mod?
As I've demonstrated... as other players who've posted here have demonstrated... and as various developers themselves have demonstrated... The answer to your question is yes, and I wish that weren't the case.
I honestly don't believe that forum administration/moderation is affecting the time that any of the developers would spend developing the game.
Empty has nothing to do anymore anyways, so he changed up arkys effects and now hes a perma mod? I don't agree with the whole "if you dev a little bit you get special privileges" idea. If you dev a little you get credit for what you did, not privileges to act like a complete ass with no repercussions. We need mods AND devs, not dovs. Any respectable developing team or company would not let some angry 16 year old kid control the only place where the community can suggest ideas or ask questions.
I made my own effects arks were shit. I'm still making attempts to contribute and I plan to learn to code, I grow very very weary of your constant complaining.