Dev -> community communication has been broken for years. I suggested the dev blog (you would've thought I asked for the dev's first born child), which doesn't get many updates.
Don't forget my gitlog thingy. You are free to make a post or pm me if you want to know more about a change. I usually write a bit more then in svn in it.
Most of the devs now want privilegs but dont really do anything for it. They cry "uhuhuhu" we need models, well it takes a week to learn any modern 3D programm... where are the models... it takes like 2 days to know how to do everything in photoshop... so where are textures for the new models and old ones. It takes like a day to use fruityloops or some days more for cubase to make some decent sounds so where are those? Their are libraries to make nice guis for games... i dont see a better gui. If the so called devs are not willing to put work into something they pretend they want to make I dont believe them. Desperatly wanting to be part of a development team is no reason to be in a development team. Its actually very simple, if you are not willing to put alot of freetime and work into something you dont have a right to boss other people around or whatever privilegs devs get. This game hasnt even a design paper or a general concept how it should be, but lololol the devs are not making one because they lololol seem to think its not necessary... incompetence.
Well than why do the devs fight each other the whole time when all the game mechanics are writen down in detail? They would just have to create the concept... or is it just 100 pages of background story? The "empires design document" that I read was just tons of pages of backstory and some general stuff like "their should be vehicles". Edit: I think the main problem is that the people that created the mod are no longer on board and that the community feels, at least from a moral point of view, that the guys now in charge have no right to do whit it what ever they want. If you have one guy with a vision that does most of the work alone you can go on without a concept paper but the problem is if he leaves theirs a creative hole that, in the empires community, every dev seems to want to fill alone.
how hard is it for devs and ppl (cept for trickster cuz hes super gay) to stop bein fags? chill be cool, ban faggots that aint cool problem solved
the design document is useless in that i asked 5 devs on who has it and they all told me everyone else has it, sound-spawn promised to mail it to me 3 times but never did and krenzo is hard to get a hold of if krenzo reads this?
Le oldé story of the design document, that can't be changed or read out loud that lives only by rumor because its lost and never to be found...
speaking of the wiki... People in the community that still play and want this mod to progress should take it upon themselves to do something in "Fun Projects". A simple texture or decal could be cool or a new model of the NF rax would be cool. I know not everyone is a mapper/modeler/coder/musician but still everyone could try.
When krenzo was lead dev, shit was so cohesive, sure there was still drama on here but every one knew what the hell was going on and everyone showed up for tests. All I want is to take that same formula and add it to the current empires. Just get super mods to handle the drama and give the devs time to speak about whats going on and then people will be more excited about testing and progressing the mod.
Everyone talks shit about attending tests but some of the forum's least-active people attended today's test EG: ukgamer/nick/blakkooper.