Well if you didn't wrongfully ban me for 3 days like admitted to on page 11 and call people "fucking retards" for making suggestions then I wouldn't have a reason to complain. Oh and if you read the last few pages you would see its a lot more people than just me complaining about you.
Empty's particles suck because if you make good ones people complain about lag. And empty is too much of a pansy to tell people to fuck off if they complain.
I like the new particles look.... they block my vision a tad but, they look great. I guess im one of the few who can say that due to a fairly good video card. This however has nothing to do with his moderation skills why is this being discussed?
The argument is whether Empty can have his cake and eat (abuse) it too? Nothing personal empty but your mighty hand of god may need a slap. The deeper argument that Shandy made this thread to address is whether or not the forum drama interferes with the comprehensive and deliberate development of the mod itself, with the addendum that over/heavy handed moderation fractures the community itself, from which the game draws it's life blood.
Because, like the other devs, I have things to do in life. First and foremost is school, which takes up 8 hours of my day. I also need motivation. I have some very basic knowledge of modeling, but I can't find a good place to learn.
yeah he's so modest, he controls his anger by passive aggressively banning people and ignoring complaints
Okay. Fuck off you stupid cunt, get a fucking life and get the fuck off these forums. I'm sick of your shit and your constant bitching, you obviously can't play anymore and I could care less. Kindly log out, remove the forum from your bookmarks and don't come back.
It's possible for you to care less. I'm amazed Mayama didn't point that out (he did the last time I did it). You must learn to focus your rage and chill it so it becomes a cold fury. Like so:
In before my edit. And... I'd give it two weeks and a custom title that reads "Empty's personal ban gavel."
lol, I was gana say something like all this bitching at empty only gives him more reason to perma ban ppl but, this shit is getting funny as hell.