We are upgrading the dedicated server that [VIPER] is on we will have a new IP sometime today. I am not sure what the down time will be.
Same location or different location? If you go more towards the east coast like New York I may consider coming back to Empires if I can get a working computer. EDIT: Thanks again for hosting VIPER. The community really appreciates all the hard work put into the server.
The server is being cloned to new hardware, same physical location. Server specs are better, but as I understand it from anyone I have asked, Empires server performance is based on tidal forces & shamanic rituals so we'll also be sacrificing goats fairly regularly to see what effect it has on latency.
is this nigga serious? I actually have a recording of you saying that vicki is a kike on my other computer.
And roll racial slurrs.... Vicki - will SourceBans be updated to reflect the new IP ? I monitor who is playing via that link. I feel lonely without it.
We upgraded to a quad from a duo core, it is in same location Chicago, which is good for the US, good for East and West Coast. Lawliet all you need is a good connection and decent specs and you wont lag in a USA server Sourcebans server ips have been updated so I am hoping that cures your lonliness LOL Viro Man and grantrithor what's your point of posting that about what Lawliet supposedly said about me, trying to make me feel bad or make Lawliet look bad, either way its a stupid thing to do and only thing it does do is it makes you look like a f*cktard. Move is complete and I think I got everything running as it should, if you find anything I have neglected to change over or any glitches, please let me know. You can find it on the master server list
I guess you could try sacrificing hearths to appease the gods, but considering how they are non-existant in the emp community, you might want to go with virgin blood instead.
Can we have cpu specs of old and new? Empires is based on mostly single thread performance so I am hoping that each core of the new cpu is actually faster.
same speed for both duo core and the new quad: 3.0GHz Old was Intel Core2Duo 2 x 3.0ghz 6MB Cache New Quad is Intel Core2Quad 4 x 3.0 GHz 12 MB Cache but it can be overclocked I am told. Both are: Network: 100Mbps Outbound Bandwidth: 10TB a month Inbound: Unmetered
Seems to be doing great. Thanks for all the effort you put in keeping it running. Another note, I've found that some of the new players (those who remain untarnished by knowledge that this forum exists) prefer Viper to Epic. A few of them call Viper the 'fun server' - whatever that means. In other words, Viper's the best, don't know where this game would be without it. :D
There's almost no difference between EPIC and VIPER except that EPIC runs a mapcycle and VIPER uses a map vote; the difference in parachutes; and the admins. VIPER admins take a more proactive stance, willing to change the map or enable alltalk, while EPIC admins are more likely to simply let things happen as they are. I can't see why one server would be considered fun and the other wouldn't.
I have noticed newbs chiming in "THAT WAS FUN" after a match. But that is mostly due to their winning. I know I spend some time training the bastards - when I'm not shitting on them. You get one or the other - DEAL WITH IT. Awesome is also a fun Admin who likes to turn on All Talk and abuse me But I admittedly deserve it since I beat him like he's a red headed step child. I think Viper does cater more towards the newbs and epic more towards experienced players. I love both. The maps on Epic are bigger and since they are different they are more interesting. I do think we on Viper should NOT change maps freely. It should be RTV and NOMINATE to control that. When one person screams change it - it has to be majority vote and not just because you think everyone wants it. People will tolerate an RTV vote - but not an admin changing because he THINKS it's the right thing to do. I deal with some butt heads yelling ADMIN ABUSE when I've done absolutely nothing. I guess it comes with the territory. I do admit to having abused it on rare occasions - but I do try to avoid it and certainly get no game play benefit from it like some thing. Sometimes I just get giddy and feel that Kyro COM vehicle should be sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G.