can you make the support of the tanks turret smaller (preferably remove it as a whole) it doesnt make any sense imo, it would only be a weak spot ... apart of that, i like the model
I think the turret is still a little high. I can see that having trouble hitting light tanks cup close.
Because it shows how good a model it is. Models without wireframes are impossible to assess the merit of. It shows whether or not you've made an effort to weld all the stuff together, how efficient your poly usage is, and gives an idea of what it will look like in game using vertex shading.
Oh yes that reminds me I hope you know the turret, barrel, and body of the tanks all have to be separate models.
I'd do the following if i knew how; 1) Perhaps shrink the wheels size somewhat. (at least as a prototype demo, compare it with this one to see how it may differ) 2) Move the two rear wheels slightly forward, right now the rearmost doesnt look like it's connected to much more than a few inches of hull. 3) Slope the side armour to give it an impression it can shoot down at pesky NF light tanks. Maybe, (finally) i can gleefully gloat at how much cooler the BE AFV is now?
Why would you? This system works fine and it has the added bonus of being able to swap out turrets and barrels at a later date if needs be.
If you wanted to keep them as they are it may be, but the current system is far more versatile, it's easier to develop for, and allows for unique turrets and barrels for different weapons.
that is a very good point, tanks should have a missile box, when not equipped with missiles it shoudnt be there, when not equipped cannons the cannons should be gone
You could do that with variants of the cannon model, one with a missle pod mounted to stick out of the side of the turret, one with just the pod, and one with just the cannon.
that reason is that we don't have to muck about with animations or pose settings to make the tank turrets animate. The way it's set up is that the body has a turret bone, and the turret is placed on that bone. The turret has a cannon bone, and the cannon is placed there. The cannon and turret angles are then handled completely separate from the angle of the body, allowing tanks to get the look of animation, without actually spending time and animating it. We were talking about this, and I think I'm going to figure out a way to implement it for 2.24 or 2.25 (or 2.3, whichever I can spare the time for it).
And one without anything on the turret cause some idiot didn't fix any guns to it. XD Would be cool to get a fixed mg (assuming one is fitted) position off one side of the cannon tho - little like one of the many the panzer had. This i suppose would give advantages to perceptive fighters, so they can identify what weapons the enemy is using and counter before they're even fired at. Is there a way to make armour more unique without being complex visually?