One of the other problems we are having is successfully installing sourcemod/metamod on our server. We have tried all the Wiki's and what not but it just wont work. Metamod is screwy.
Well one of our Tech Support questions was answered here by a Dev, so I figured I would just keep using my thread instead of posting another one. It's kind of weird why our sourcemod isnt working because I just played on a server with sourcemod and it seemed to be working fine. The reason I need sourcemod would be for RTV and changing maps correctly. I wonder if by installing the Linux hotfix it will let sourcemod/metamod work properly.
Just wanted to post a shout out to everyone that played on TLP server tonight. We had a whopping 15-20 people at around 10:00 pm est today on October 1st. I wanted to apologize for the current problems we are having. Everything should be looked into and fixed this weekend! I had fun playing with all of you and most of you were very cooperative when it came to following my commands as commander. Thank you very much! Come back when the server is in proper working condition! !