You sure about that? I mean, sec has some retarded ideas as far as im concerned, but the closest thing ive seen him do that one might consider abuse is teleporting the cv around , when someone cried bs and he didnt have the whole picture. Hardly the stuff of nightmares. He is more of an ass for not using his powers when he should, rather than the other way around.
I must admit, I couldn't be bothered to read through this entire thread, so I've only skimmed the first two or three pages. But come on, Paradox, regardless of matters of "principle" or whatnot, even you have to admit that arguing for so long about a one hour or four hour or however long ban is somewhat excessive.
Did you not get the point that this isnt about the 1 or 4 hour ban but the way admins have been treating players for so long, you of all people should understand something like this.
Yes. I do not want to get into the particulars of this travesty, so I will say so much: You can argue that this ban is unfair all you wish, but, at the end of the day, it's still a fact that these servers are privately owned and, accordingly, privately administered. It is the admin's/owners prerogative to ban whomever for whatever they should so wish. And no, I don't see how "I of all people should understand something like this."
I understand that these things are privately owned but Im just trying to make a point here that they should do a better job cause they are doing a bad one now.
Paradox saying that he cares how admins act to other players.HAHAHA Obviously just hiding behind that, while really still talking about his own ban
I remember the day when i stopped being mad at epic admins. I just could not be mad at them anymore. I realized being an epic server admin is so disqualifying in itself since the selection process goes something like this: play hundreds of hours in a broken mod - enjoy the griefing, abuse and hate that comes with the game - suck Trickster's dick for even longer - get admin.
i wonder how i ended up as admin then :eek: to be fair, im no good admin either, im way too lenient ... ... but at least i will never abuse them ever. well maybe its the reason i still have admins?
I wasnt finger pointing, I honestly dont really care who exploits the most. Yes its your server and you can do whatever you want but it kinda ruins the game for alot of players. Theirs only one server right now (cause only one of both has players) and if you care about the community you shouldnt do it all the time. Remember that shitty crazy resource buff server we had back in the old days mitoes or something on which everyone played, thats kinda the same situation.
Mittoes had alot of bullshit on it (and sadly, it has rubbed off, ugh) but i dont remember anything about resources. Are you not mistaking it with this weirdo server we had a while ago that had like unlimited turrets and shit?
Hey! Stop being so disrespectful. Outcast has been around for 20 years so you should respect them, this small community and our silly 6-8 year old clans are nothing compared to it. Know your betters.
Mittoes was cool, it came at a time when we had an influx of noob shits so it worked out. Everyone playing there either stacked with another 7 or so heads and told them to get real, join another server if you want the real shit. Even then...mittoes is exactly the same as this shit everybody is playing. Its infinite resources with 4 refineries and its dumb as shit also, map exploits ended in 2.2 when all maps got their brushes updated and you couldn't go in walls with camera's anymore
thats why you get tight with admins(faggit) (fuck ya triple post), i don't think i had gotten banned once? and I pulled alot of shit
yur a faggot, i'd rather a good player spend his time on the hill building level 3's than actually impacting the game (4x)
Lol, this sounds even less probable than candles inexplicably finishing DS with fists. Screw the exploitation, you got whacked for using mic while high at least several times. There are even YT videos of you talking trash for no reason. You got banned bro, you were just too shitfaced to remember.