Reading that, I can say for a fact that in the first few seconds after he joined BSID bitterjesus became mentally Dembil level retarded for the rest of his life.
Yes they were. I have the screenshot of what I think was the game after that, but I think you crashed and you score got reset. (most of the pubbers ragequit that why there are only 14 of them) Hm maybe I have more on my old pc, perhaps even some demos of the epicmad scrim. I will have to check later. He did change a lot after he joined BSID.
Yeah, MAD were the first clan to beat us fair and square, no bullshit or anything. We had won about 40 rounds straight by that point since we started, but MAD pulled off this really sweet ninja with a pair of rail heavies. Back in 2.12 Rail heavies were super powerful, so within about 5 seconds our CV was dead. Really well played though. I think overall, MAD always struggled for their lack of commander. They had the skill on the ground but the commanding let them down every time.
Oh yeah, I remember now, this was back in the old days where I got disconnected every 3-4 minutes by VAC. That shit drove me INSANE.
ouch! we had a few good comms but no GREAT comm and I usually had to sit in the chair and I NEVER paid attention to 'physical' CV. probly cause I learned in like 1.08 that ninja's didn't exist or were VERY rare...back when a lev1 MG could rape anybody. lol.. thank you so much pred for that nostalgia....priceless. a demo would be a roar! mad coming back if i can get emp running stable in wine.
Don't forget the duststorm game vs bookcase. We only lost the 2nd round cuz pickled_heretic created a mutiny and made his squad go ruins instead NW. Otherwise, BE round would have been easier to win. That sounds hot. There is this Anglo-Saxon fellow named eth0 that can help you out. Just watch out for the tangent rants about linux and M00tant.
Oh don't remind me of that shit. I had almost forgotten it, commanding was a bitch. Imagine the rage when you drive your cv towards a ref and that shit pops up. or when in the older versions, the cvs didn't have overheat. "Rushing towards Northwest, barrack is almost up... Nonoononono don't you get in here... FUCK! Killed by enemy commander".
i liked comm rushing at the start. at least you lost within 5minutes if your comm fucked it up, not 5h. and the adrenaline ... sigh
Not really. "Plan" for 5 minutes while waiting for voting time to finish, then gg. Not really awesome.
Actually the VAC bug is probably why I don't command any more. I was a pretty good comm in the 2.12 days, but constant d/cs meant I just gave up commanding because of that exact problem, after we updated I both didn't command regularly anymore and I dropped every 5 minutes. Just gave up on commanding forever.
Except that your commander's ability to beat the enemy commander in a 1 on 1 infantry fight was entirely irrelevant to their ability to command the team. Not to mention that getting that rax up first usually meant you won the game there and then. I enjoyed the commander rushing for the adrenaline, but it was one of the worst aspects of Empires by a country mile. It ended so many games within a few minutes, wins via it were usually pretty unsatisfactory, and if Sonecha got voted in as the enemy comm, it was suicide to even try rushing, which meant he won every round he ever played as comm. It was fun for 1 person on each team, and stopped being fun the moment it was over.
words of truth. glad it's gone. ridiculous to have 1 person decide that (even yes the comm) and waste a game of 20v20 (think we had max 40 ppl servers back then, maybe 48 but it was rarely full. I've not played for a few years now, so two questions. 1. How is it gone exactly? (the movement delay / overheat was in testing for me last) 2. Is/Does anyone still attempting it? / Is it even possible to limply mount one? Cheers. B
The only time I ever see a comm rush is when Hobbes is playing and it's around 10v10 or less. He does them fairly regularly though, especially on larger maps. Aside from him, I can't remember the last time I've seen a commander rush.
i never lost my cv to comm rushing at start. excuse me, but you have to be really dumb and think its brave to get out when the other cv is in your vicinity. and sonecha was hyped, he was good and he was bold, but he wasnt as godlike as his fanboys said. who lost you your first match against us? right, it was sonecha comm rushing ...
We never lost a match against you guys (CW). In fact, I have a screenshots from the first scrim we played against CW (which was also the first match we played). Notice where players were on the minimap for our team. He went north on his own, and pretty much took it himself. CV rushing. This was your CV at the end of the round. I might also add that it was you boomtanking that made you lose, given you guys had more of the map. Players that know, that really understand the game, are all in agreement as to who the very best players to play this game ever were. And Sonecha was one of them, hands down. He was rivalled only by Opie for the stuff he could do in the CV.
it was on canyon and sonecha boomtank rushed into our southern front to get to the hill or actually i have no frigging clue what he was doing there, got walled by me and gg. we lost the other 3 rounds, i admit :D i just still know bc it was the first scrim i attended, i dont give much about that inter clan lovehate bullshit ...
I don't think we played on canyon. I know Sonecha scrimmed for other clans a lot though, but we played you guys on Mvalley, Isle, Cyclopean, and then had a couple of rounds on slaughtered which devolved into mass drama because you guys ended up with more than 50% of your team in ringers (which was our fault given we pushed you for the scrim when you didn't have the players) and they (ex-ghost guys) just trolled the game into ruin, people ragequit midround etc. I'm fairly sure I'm right on that, I can remember nearly every single scrim and details of it that we've had, and we've played well over 50. The next time we played CW after the slaughtered game resulted in the infamous HSM recording, and that was about 9 months after that last match.