This is actually the first I remember hearing about them being in 1.08. Krenzo might have been saving them for an inbetween 1.08 and blimbs patch. :D
You didn't, but to me thats what it all means. Features that aren't meant for the public eye, that will make you say 'omg, I love you Krenzo' when you first play the newest version.
The receiver looks so bland Everything else looks purty, but the ammo indicator needs more LED- look on it IMO
Well, I guess I'd better finish this off. For those of you who havn't worked it out yet, you open the picture in winRAR, the password is krenzoisgod (alternate the code between binary and octal). You then rename the jpg to a wav, slow it down and reverse it to find "How to get ammoz". Then slow it down more and reverse again to find a putfile address spoken. ( From there, you just have to guess the feature, which in this case is ironsights.
Those seem to obscure your view a lot. I don't mean the gun section, that obviously would, but the sights themselves. It looks as if it would make it more difficult to see your target, which is not exactly an efficient design.