hahahaha, I wish this was it, rabid baby grenades would be awesome EDIT: WOOHOO, got it! talk about blurry... well at least I know what map it's on
I think I found the pic, and I've sent my answer to Bodrick. Now i just have to wait for him to come back.
It's times like this I'm glad I don't even know how to find the website to find the instructions to open the zip files to search the archives to find the pictures you people are talking about. Ludites, ftw! Edit: I gave up trying to solve the puzzle when I couldn't crack the password. Needless to say, I also gave up trying to figure out where some esoteric picture is. With that in mind, after reading the whole bruhaha about the naughty porn (and keeping in mind i have at least a basic grasp of legality and current events in the USA) there is no way in HECK I'm going to even BOTHER figuring out what/where you guys are talking about.
No its a link that Broccoli found by mistyping a link trying to guess the right one. Don I would sudgest deleating the link from his post till this can be sorted out.
God, I take a break from the forums for ONE WEEK to work on my top secret map, (those of you who know don't ruin it) and this is what happens!?!? A massive thread with child pornogrophy and impossible-to-solve puzzles? Using WinRAR to unzip a .jpeg? A string of numbers and an encrypted picture of a microphone somehow turn into a web adress and a blurry picture? Screw this, my head hurts enough already from all this mapping and testing tonight, i'm going to bed. Maybe i'll be able to think straight tomorrow and figure out what you guys are talking about.
Thanks destroyer I needed a good lol after this tonight. Maybe Don could just move all the ...other... stuff and remove the link till it can be sorted out. Dont feel bad I cant get overthe encryped message to open the microphone zip and I just gave up as all the hints jsut add to the confusion. Well Im off to bed befor my eyeballs melt out of there sockets from teh burning.
The game has stopped for me i'm afraid. I still can't figure out that 060 and 061 password thingy. Octal, binary, ascii, ... => invalid password again and again. :confused:
Outside your window... watching, and waiting. No, seriously though. I haven't cracked the password, but I've got a man on the inside. The picture ain't TOO blurry, once I realized it was only*censored, perhaps?*. Nice feature!
I liked it better when an answer to the previous riddle was posted before a new one was thrown to us.
You will definately know when you have the right password, theres a hint for you As for the previous one, here it is! It's the new BE AR!
that is totally SICK! AWESOME!!!!!! perhaps remove the normal ammo indicator when using that weapon? that would be a nice little touch.