Ok, since I really need practice with XSI and texturing in general, I'm offering my modeling services! Just give me a couple of reference pictures, scale of it (possibly in hammer units) whether you want it animated and how, and when do you possibly want it done. I probably will not be able to fill your more "insane" requests because I sometimes never get around to doing so, but post your requests anyway, because I will get them done eventually.
KES needs the interior of an NF APC modeled and textured (low light, so low detail will suffice) for an upcoming story-driven trailer.
MORE ROCKS AND WELL MORE ROCKS AND EVEN MORE ROCKS uh and sandbag baricades and some "trenchwar stuff"
anything you can put in a map so that infantry can have some more decent cover, then release it in a pack for everyone to use freely unconditional mappers love, you will have it motherf*cker http://www.buildingmodeltrains.com/category/scenery/ this is a good site for when you need ideas on stuff that fits right in any map
http://z.about.com/d/golondon/1/0/H/P/-/-/sofa.jpg and http://www.brownrigg-interiors.com/thumbnail/IMG_3178_th.jpg and http://blog.silive.com/homegarden_impact_antiques/2008/02/02-27-staten-island-candle.jpg and http://www.tudor-oak.co.uk/images/products/chair3.jpg and http://www.aileenminor.com/uploaded/image1/MVC-002F.JPG Basicly Chairs, Candles, Sofa's, wardrobes, chandeliers, lamps, tables, crates and wine barrels from the 17th to the early 20th(-1920)century. I need those for a new map, make them aroudn the same size as the original models(tables, chairs, ect.) If you could do that then I would be extremly greatful :D
Crates! A few beds for a military bunkery thing Trees, preferebly coverd in snow! Decently sized rocks, preferebly coverd in snow Furniture (tables, chairs etc) Also, a set of regular snow textures, with some rock/ice versions would be delicius to Drop by irc if you feel like going for it and want more info :p
How on earth do seventeeth century palace furnishings fit into the empires universe ? Anyhoo, i already asked about the snow laden trees on the server so another thing that would be good is some more wreckage or skeletons and shit to dot around the place. http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/01Lw12Q5Kmcjr/610x.jpg http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/iraq/photography/brink/photos/brink_photo10.jpg stacks and trolleys of munitions http://www.defenselink.mil/transformation/images/photos/2004-11/Hi-Res/041107-M-0484-L-001GBU31.jpg http://images.google.com/hosted/lif.../images?q=munitions+piles&um=1&hl=en&safe=off http://i.pbase.com/u18/scoutphoto/upload/32932031.combatcameravalliere5.jpg current empires trees scaled for skybox don't really need a picture for that
Not really much of a reference, but empires could do with some snow covered trees. Also @ jimanther, they don't, its satanchild's usual stuff. If you're going to make such a "niche" map, don't expect stuff for it. What people here want are things that can be used in every map, like crates, munitions, cover, new trees. I fail to see a use for the stuff you listed in any other map than your own, if it even exists. If it does, then when do we get screenshots?