Welcome! Responding to the demand for an active clan, we are answering the call! We are the Spartacus Scripters, or SS for short. Membership is open and welcome, there are just a few short rules: 1. When in game, your name should always be "ImSpartacus." 2. When you die, for any reason, you may make a comment to lament the unfortunate roll back of scripts from 2.6.2, which was of course the best version of empires ever made and the roll back is the only reason you would have died (obviously). 3. When anyone addresses a member of the SS, you should respond. 4. All hail the supreme leader of empires in it's glorious 3rd Reich, and await his return for the 4th Reich - your Führer, ImSpartacus:
Don't act coy spartacus, we know you have been trying to get back at [CC] Candle corrupters for ousting you.
Im joining,i realized that candles made some less good changes than spartacus in empires. Also can we have a rule that the shotgun is the demi-god of this clan?
i didnt mean to spoil your fun and all so i kept my disgust to myself for a while. but now that probably everyone who goes here on a regular basis had the chance to see it, maybe ask yourself if this is what empires wants to stand for. no bad blood, no hateing - i understand it is in jest. thank you for your understanding.
Any normal forum would have Patton banned for a long long time, but this is Empires forum and he didn't report any posts, so all is "well'.
Um, In all complete fairness, BE is Nazi Germany thinly veiled. Look at the flag. BSID was an "elite squad" of the Brenodi Empire. We've had clans whose tags were giant penises, we've had trolls and terribly ridiculous things with obscene language. EPIC had something similar to swastikas (don't pretend they weren't supposed to be like that ). If over half a century later (almost 3/4 of a century), most FPS games (including this one) can have people play as / against Nazi Germany but we cannot possibly stand to actually overtly use the English language in talking about and making fun of the Nazi empire, then I don't know how we can make progress as a civilized world. At some point, the wounds must heal. Healing happens through laughter too. And I've both lived in Germany and spent a lot of my life learning German language and culture, so I know this is a sensitive subject, but it is for that reason that I'm defending it. Because flasche, the truly disgusting thing to me, is that there *are* people* who have and continue to praise Hitler, support his reign, denounce WWII and the holocaust as a conspiracy, and believe in some future "4th Reich". I REFUSE to allow them to exist in the shadows because we are all too disgusted to bring up the subject and poke ridiculous fun at it like it damn well deserves. I understand your feelings flasche, I do. I disagree that the proper approach is that we ignore that people like that are out there, and we never talk of it except in somber tones nor poke fun at it or whatever. Silence allows those things to fester, and empires lost a leg to stand on (as far as being removed from the subject) when it modeled BE culture after Nazi culture. Best regards, and I hope I'm being respectful towards you as I have full respect for however you choose to deal with this paramount piece of history.
im did not mean to condemn you, but poes law. i just cant leave such things uncommented, i really wish i could, today less then ever.
Fair enough. I would never post this in most places, but I genuinely thought if there was a place where something like this would go without offending people, it would be here. I did not intend to offend anyone. I would actually like for people to voice their opinions if they have a strong one. If people are truly offended by it, I'll take it down with my sincerest apologies. /srsbsns And Destroyer, I hope you are kidding but would be genuinely interested in why me of all the forum trolls on here would have been banned long ago . Also what makes you think I haven't been banned, huh? I'm a bad boy too...
Hey hey, those things are shekels, the symbol of Israel's currency. ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪