And that would only benefit shotty (in a really op way) and bear2. Anything else cant fire full auto for more than 2 seconds without a significat decrease in acc.
Had the same idea. The damage of those AP bullets should be very low then (as example: 10 bullets take of 1/3 plate of plain armor OR 1 magazine of the assault rifle takes of 1 full plate of plain armor). This would make the rifleman more flexible, but not OP against vehicles, because a Grenadier would still deal more damage there.
I'd give them a similar tracer to DU, if not the same, if only because DU is the standard idea of what armor-piercing rounds are. Short of that, there's possibly making the weapon itself glow, although that wouldn't be particularly visible from a vehicle and would make it hard to have it activated and be hidden. Could also float a symbol above the player's heads, although that's not intuitive and it seems like a cop-out.
I would love gren to get a trajectory skill. It would be active for a period of time and would give squad members something showing the arc/trajectory of grenades, mortars and tank cannons. Though I understand this would probably be pretty difficult to implement.
An expensive rifleman skill where you get bottomless clip and 80-90% damage resistance (effective invincibility) would be kickass.
How do you want to balance that for conquest? It would nullify mines an turrets completely, and make everyone that doesnt have ivinciblity basically useless. Tanks have would no defence against stickies. In fact, I dont want to think what that would do for raxcampers. no
But the alternative to invincibility just doesn't get the job done. Squad skills with passive buffs are a fucking joke. Squad skills should provide something that you absolutely cannot get in the normal game. Hiding a gren, bombing a cv, teleporting a team, a all of these are unique abilities. You can't just buff an existing ability. Invincibility (or something damn near close) would be completely unique. It opens up new strategies. It changes things. And when you don't have to reload, you get to keep dealing punishment for the entire invincibility time. Yes you could roll over a few heavies in the few seconds or overcome aod tactics, but that's the point if squad skills! You're using teamwork to make something happen and move the game forward.
Yes it does change things. It fucks them up. Im not saying that passive +42% libido reduction skills are great. Never have. However, if we want new skills, we have to do it right. Emp has one weirdo mechanic and that is rev. What I see you guys try do is a cheap attempt at creeeping quake and tf shit into emp, without afterthought. I know that emp has its fair share of stalemate nadespam bullshit, but getting ubercharge into the game is not a good solution. Invincibility is not unique in any way shape or form. It's been in fps genre at least since quake.
I already said, 40-50/sec regen for like 10-15 seconds should be about perfect. You have to consider it from the other side, getting killed by some invincible guy is not really fair, you never had a chance. At least with mega-regen you can blow him away if he's stupid enough to run into your squad and thinks he can camp in the middle rotating with the HMG. But if he uses it effectively, popping out and shooting, he can probably make 15 seconds of huge progress. This is in addition to getting a movement-accuracy buff, and super-speed, should tip the field in the favour of the person using it, but not making them invincible.
If it's regen instead of damage reduction, then anything with high peak damage would kill him, so headshots, mortar, RPG, stickies, tanks or just a bunch of players would do the trick. If it's straight damage reduction, then consistent focused damage would do him it. The glowing especially makes it balanced. A decent squad leader could just mark them one by one and they'd die just like anyone else. And it would tear straight through a group of unorganized players.
It's a fine line really. It might be worth (for one version) to add both and see which players like more, on both sides of the fight. It's not as if we have a 2nd skill to use either for rifleman.
Mega armor that makes the whole squad glow and gives a 40% damage reduction along with a 30/sec regen, but it only works while crouched or prone? Sort of like a mega dig-in.
If you're going to add mega regen, etc. Please add some particles around the person etc, or it will confuse the hell out of people why some people die very quickly sometimes and sometimes they're immune to pistol bullets.
So you're thinking speedy hip-firing ninja ovet a longer timer instead of hulking constantly-firing tank on a shorter timer? Both are unique and both could be used to make something awesome happen, so that sounds good. I would love to try out multiple solutions if that is feasible.
It's unique to empires, derp derp. And while "ubercharge" could definitely lead to a faster paced game with less nade spam, you haven't demonstrated why that's a bad thing. Just telling me that it is a bad thing doesn't cut the mustard.