Steam engine newbie question time.... Are there console commands that will give details about current spawn points in the game? Not finding much with google.
I'm thinking the commands you're looking for, if they exist, start with ent_. I don't really know though.
Thanks, I'll check it out. Adding on to the first one..... is there a command that will let me force a player to join a certain team?
I think there's a clientside one that a tutorial level used. IIRC, it's jointeam # or something like that.
Right, jointeam # works to bounce me team to team, but I'd like to be able to bounce other players around as admin.
Maybe the right question for my purposes here is ... can anyone guide me to the scripts and/or code that handle joining, loadout and spawning?
Are you talking about for a new server ? if so you might want to look at source mod there is plugins for team switching. You would have to script out a new plugin to handle loadouts and spawning. As they would be Empires specific commands.
Yes new server options for Empires. A plugin would do the trick, but there isn't one yet that knows how to communicate properly with the Empires spawn options. I could write one if I knew what functions and variables the spawning process was using. Plenty of plugin options for TF2 and CS/CS:GO but they lack functionality needed by Empires.
You should be able to mod a hldm plugin to work. It uses info_player_combine and info_player_rebel To spawn players. They could be changed to emp_info_player_imp and emp_info_player_nf That might work. Their might be some other things that just need to be switch to the Empires enlivenment. If I get a chance i'll look at some source codes.
Just to say. A long time ago, when I had a CSS server running mani admin plugin and eventscripts. I was able to send/force commands to clients. For example, I could "bind w kill" somebody on my server, or even make him join a team just by forcing his client to use a command. But I know that either the server or the client had to have some command that would allow this but I dont clearly remember if I was doing it over mani admin, source, or something from eventscripts. Just wanted to tell you about this way. Just not sure if you can send commands to clients in empires though, or if you need some plugin. I might try doing some search on this.
Actually, check this: I think I was doing it over mani admin. ma_cexec EDIT: reading further, it looks like valve made an update preventing commands to be ran on clients by I guess this might not work anymore
Thanks for the input guys, I'll look in to those references. I've been reading through the dedicated server scripts looking for other info and clues. I want to be able to spawn a player in to the game on a team from "unassigned". I getting stuck at unassinged as a player has to pick class, loadout and spawn point before being allowed to spawn. So I need to replicated in code at least the default choices a player would make to spawn. TF2 and CS not so picky about spawning.