Some questions

Discussion in 'Mapping' started by Neutrino, May 11, 2006.

  1. Neutrino

    Neutrino Member

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    This is stated about the Conquest Mode: "The technology tree is completely researched, and all Vehicles can be constructed in the pre-placed Vehicle Factory (If provided on the map)."

    will this be abused? will players just be able to go to the vehicle factory and waste the resources to all themselves?

    is it possible to not have a vehicle factory for the mode, but the team starts off with a selection of vehicles? and if so, can these vehicles respawn after a period of being destroyed?

    reason being. I want to create a conquest mode map as close as possible to the style of the Battlefield games. that way I can make the gameplay for suitable for a certain style of mapping.
  2. Bodrick

    Bodrick Ye Olde Supermod

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    Yes, basically. If you've ever played emp_escort as BE, this is what that means.

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