okay so articulate your vision for empires in 16 lines or less (lines in the text editor) how would you want empires to play? you can totally overhaul or do slight modifications or w/e
As it is with more players and more friendship. Maybe better maps and optimization. Bigger maps with more players. Better admins. Better map cycle. More vets
Basically a more enthusiastic community, some tweaks and more awesome maps (which we've been pretty lucky with recently) -------------------------------------------------------- Vets to be more understanding, patient and respectful. Not every round is going to be awesome but don't get frustrated so easily. Sometimes things will happen that ruin a round but it would be nice to shrug it off and play the next one rather than make a poisonous atmosphere. Vets to join at the start of a round (thus better round) rather than waiting to see how the teams start. Try not to rely on a handful of comms, if you can command do so. Its fun to command, but not your whole session. More active players & Small games organised regularly. Better handling vehicles that feel like they have some inertia / weight. More awesomeness in maps, stuff like emp_echelon look really good. More dynamic & immersive visual/audio but without going over the top and trying to make new game mechanics. Modernised UI, menus, revised F menu. Everything to sound at least as evil as HE cannon and Pistol 2 Many subtle improvements to all aspects of commander. GUI, better targeting mechanic, probably go so far as saying some new stuff like area of effect buffs for troops or vehicles, similar potency as squad lead abilities. Better Minimap Soften commander role to make it accessible, better tools, all discussed before but things like: Replace "air support" with "request commander attention". Creating a "jump to" event that commanders can immediately move the camera to with a keyboard shortcut or clicking a button in the GUI - like space bar does now. When the CV is under attack the piddly little audible warning and the flashing text is rubbish, the whole screen should shake. As if I were in a vehicle being hit with HE I would expect NOT to miss it. Research for "AI" or something, to create little fragile engineer bots to build things / build aura around the CV
Cooler sounding guns. Non-elitist attitudes. the out-of-box-experience (oh how I miss it). Many more players.
*More players *Commander has greater overview over what the hell is happening, can place "focus points", perhaps has special commander abilities, *Scout revamp *Nicer minimap *Vehicle carcasses explode violently into pieces, like turrets (anyone know how we can do this?) *Buildings explode violently into pieces with sexy particles *Cool loading music, interesting loading screen *Single player campaign. I once described the first level of a single player campaign for Empires. emp_insurrection is a hell of a lot like it, really: You're a Brenodi Engineer on a transport aircraft and getting briefed on the mission. The open door of the aircraft shows you're flying through a snowy, mountainous area, possibly the Glycen area. The briefing: You are en route to an entrenched Northern Faction HQ. It is your job to place tactical explosives to work yourself towards the HQ. Once inside, you must collect any interesting intel and then place explosives to blow the entire thing sky high. As the briefing ends, you stick your head out the open aircraft door, and see a GIGANTIC ICE FORTRESS looming out of the clouds. As you draw closer, you can hear the fighting ahead: tracers spew from the fortress towards Brenodi fighter VTOLs, and flak fires at fellow incoming fransports. When you hit the ground, a long uphill infantry battle awaits you, although you can use tanks to advance on some spots (awesome points if these vehicles are delivered by carriers). Once inside the fortress, you penetrate the intelligence chambers and get the intel. Then, you rig the fortress to blow. You rendezvous to the top of the fortress, where you are picked up by a transporter. As you fly away, you see the explosives do their work, and big, billowing smoke erupting from the many holes created by the explosions. Cue ABSOLUTELY AWESOME MUSIC, SET IT AT 9:15 and the EMPIRES LOGO slowly becoming visible.
Slow autobuild on buildings Significantly weaker/more focused grenadier Bullets do a tiny amount of damage to vehicles and buildings. Pistol1 weaker but has ridiculous/infinite ammo Utility slots on vehicles No mines No artillery Scout rifle has thermal scope Multiple rounds per map
I just realized that this thread title was a misspelling of "soapbox". Anyways, I'd basically like a bunch of the more experienced players to come back. The current pub game community is (generally) somewhat lacklustre and boring to play with or against.
1) GUI OVERHAUL!!! <--- fuck you all! That should be number 1. 2) Make things more intuitive(ties in a bit to GUI overhaul) 3) Then its fix the FPS. Its probably all the spaghetti code causing it. Cuz really when there are more intense games you can get good fps but not in empires... something is wrong. 6) Fix the scout issues(both rifle(aids dart gun) and hide(stamina hide)) 7) Fix tank bumper cars(ramming a tank should cause dynamic moderate hull damage to both not just a scrape)
a mix of: - wc3 for how RTS plays out - arma for map size - bf3 for vehicles, visuals and base movement - bf42 as an example for naval combat - and for setting id like alternate-universe post-ww2/early-cold-war tech, so nothing overly hightech but not sticks and stones either (thats actually something empires does quite well)
cj, did you start this thread only to demonstrate the community's complete lack of consensus on what empiresmod actually is?
I thought that it had been established long before the present time that the community has never reached a consensus on what Empires actually is or what it ought to be.
partially that but when you do that you can find an overlap you see if you read The Leadership challenge you would understand the concept of shared values and sharing a vision to get people on board with ideas and causes
At the moment, I think Empires plays decently. It's a little hard to learn, perhaps, but with Research being unlimited by res, there's a whole layer of complexity and team worry being removed. No one worries about a misspent vehicle crippling the team's future, which makes it a lot easier to pick up. The main problem with Empires right now...is really that it doesn't have the playerbase it did 3 years ago. A lot of people have moved on and given up, and if we could get them back, along with more new players, I think we'd be guaranteed at least a couple of servers full for a while to come...it's just that playable right now.