Asdf, forgot about this. If I get chance, I'll at least upload what I have so far tonight. Maybe it's some help, maybe not.
ive got a nice little map set in snowy trenches, just gotta get the skybox working right and i'll release. also i cant seem to find contact info to ask about using my rip of dust 2 in empires, so if you know something let me know too.
It may look like this took me just 2 minutes in mspaint. That's because this took me just 2 minute in mspaint. It's less about the deisgn, more about the principles behind it. The point here is that it's small, using 2 chokepoints, but allowing infantry room to get clear of tanks. I would add decent chunks of cover such as rocks and trees, and try to disrupt vehicles driving into the lowered zones as much as possible. It's not a standard circle loop, so it's a bit more interesting, and there's multiple paths forced through a single chokepoint, so it should stop a clusterfuck. Refs aren't necessarily fair, but this could be rebalanced, as could most of the map. I'm not saying this is some wonderful design, but it's there to illustrate how I personally think a small commander chokepoint map should work. 2 choke points, multiple vertical levels through them, a non-standard shape, a bit of asymmetry, etc.
okay i realized i called my dust 2 a rip, there is somewhere an actual rip of dust 2 which is super-sized to allow two tanks to fit through the ct spawn arch. my version is different in that some areas are not changed in scale so vehicles cant enter and some areas are re-done to be large enough for vehicles.
if you did that diagram in black and white it could be mocked up quickly in terrain generator, so your entities and textures away from playing it.
I'll get to it at some point here, geeeez, I have hammer and stuff installed again, just not alot of time right now these days. Also I lost all our custom content(textures n shit, photoshop helpful layouts etc) so ya....that happened. So sorry for dropping off the face of the earth last year, new job, new state, new school, etc. Keepin the Keef busy.
It's basically a necro by now, but that's just because i am THAT slow (and also because i've only started working on it for real a few weeks ago) Displacement work will be done tomorrow evening. And if you know me well enough you'll also know that the displacements take up most of my time. In this map i'm guessing it will be at least 60% of all the work and together with making the materials (which is practically done as well) and making the layout and implementing the optimization stuff (which is completely done) i estimate that i've done over 80% of the map. Next is applying the materials, adding models and necessary entities, etc .. Also it's not a tiny map, but i still think it can count as a small map after comparing it to the size of canyon: The brown squares are the terrain of canyon, with the distances from the SE base to the SW corner (red) and the NW base (green). The ovally green/yellow shape is my map, with the comparable distances. I need a name though It should be a small, simple word, beginning with the letter 'D' The layout can be seen a lot more clearly here:
Thanks so much Silk, we really need mall comm maps. although the thread has not been posted in awhile it is relevant IMO