Nobody from our side knew how to kill except maybe security, but he's a rifleman. At some point of the game I was just going south alone and killing shit to bother you bitches. Overall, ounin needs to get a better mic
We could of taken our main back immediately after you guys took it, but no one on my team came to assist me, and I ended up getting shot be lordz after I took down both you VF and ref at our old main. Only a minute later did Azk bring a APC to our old main, and by that time it did not matter. After the initial shock of the jeep rush to our main, we should of bounced back, next time it would of been nice to have some coordination when killspawning, because that would of allowed us to hold the north.
The aim wasn't really to take your main, it was simply to ruin your coordination and mess all your plans up. Which it did rather effectively.
I've played against the Capguy squad vs JPL, Consortium, some other clan, and now G. They are consistently the easiest squad to deal with when they attack you, because they're predictable as fuck and think their stupid C-walls and shit like that will protect them once vehicles get in the game. Protip: They don't.
Here's a vid of the 1st round. I'm working on quality control atm. I have no idea what old resolution I was supposed to use so there seems to be issues on the sides.
I read your post Candles (even though you deleted it to try and be nice), and I must agree actually. I only throw shit at Paradox because he's a bit dumb, and now I've had my scrim I haven't really given him any shit. But I absolutely agree on those guys causing the problems.
Of course not... From what I've seen it's the catguys that make the drama and make things more difficult than they ought to be.
Yeah, it really does surprise me, they're just terrible. Sure, that shit might work out well in a pub game, but they're so hopelessly outclassed in every clan game they play in that it's just embarrassing.
Sure, jeeps can be useful when attacking lone people, or sab refs, etc. But when you build 3 jeeps in a row and no apc, that's just bad. Always build apcs when you're going to attack a base. A jeep filled with people is a jeep filled with four people that will die. An apc with four people is a "OH FUCK APC IN OUR BASE KILLPSANWNWNDNAN"