So is this scrim happening today? I'm miles away from my PC, don't wanna rush home to find out it has been rain checked... Edit: it is and I'll see you all there
I had fun, vying for the player with the most ping. I'm surprised I managed to kill anyone at all with anything.
When I saw that cluster of like 5-6 enemy heavies in second round I thought we were gonna get fucked, but somehow we hold the north.
I think I had highest ping. I constantly spiked to 800 because my family refuses to stop using the internet for 2 fucking hours a week. First round was a flawless victory almost. Second round was pretty stagnated. It was ok, and I think in retrospect we could have really taken advantage of our APCs, but autospot really held back any form of truly stealthy gameplay. A good game anyway, but it felt a bit like a grind at times, and there was never that real surprise of being rushed, because we saw it so early due to the minimaps.
that was just fucking insane, we had 12 he cannons just shelling that side and nothing went down, so dissapointed
Well empires can now die out in peace. Can not even get people to show for a scrim anymore. Game over.
Empires simply goes through periods of ups and downs like a sinusoidal curve. It just happens to be an unfortunate coincidence that it's occurring at the same time that the server browser is impaired, leading to a particularly low player count. Give it a few weeks or months and it'll be fine again.
I think we hit 22 at our peak. I really felt for the guys that played the first round and dropped the second, given the difference in time.