Paradox should be the one doing it, but even if you're not the ideal candidate, it's better than nothing at all.
Think of it like a support role, which it is. You're not preparing them mentally for the game or planning battle tactics, you're providing information (like a support class) and knowing is half the battle.
Yes, because he started the clan, and I'd bet many others would agree. Even if we are all equal, paradox and hobbes are the guys that people would end up listening to.
I just cancelled my saturday afternoon to get this shit sorted so fuck all of you guys for making me do this shit bunch of pushy asses.
this isnt prioritising , rl is priority but since you guys wont stop bitching I'll just have to get this done first cause otherwise trickster is going to complain I didnt give him a fight blablala I4m useless blablablala and more blablala even though I would have 16 members playing without week notice.
My god, having a clan takes COMMITMENT? Well shit man. Also, you're still an idiot. Why the fuck do you need to clear a set time of day (when your members may or may not even be on) on a set day. Seriously, just fucking sign into Steam for an hour each night (fucking get a PC capable of doing that), and just PM people. Doing it once, at a set time, is going to mean you miss people. All you're trying to do now is play the victim. It's really simple, just sign in tonight for 20 minutes (if you have to borrow another PC then do it), spam people. Then the next night, at a different time, do it again. It's really not difficult. Now all you're going to do is say "WELL PEOPLE WEREN'T ONLINE AT THE ONE SINGLE SET TIME ON SATURDAY WHEN I ASKED THEM SO I HAVE NO PLAYERS". You just don't get it.
i want to add - you can run steam with an atom netbook - i know because i have steam installed on one - so being on a notebook is no excuse for not using steamchat if you have to ...
It's not a netbook its just a 10 year old laptop that cant handle anything anymore. Last time I installed steam it went just stuck like no reaction... Everyime I booted it so...
steam is 10 years old, it should run on 10 year old computers. also it basically is just an (bit more bloated) instant messenger, i cant believe it takes much resources.
I'll give teamviewer to anyone here to use my laptop and you'll see it's extremely shittingly slow, I can't even keep more than 5 tabs open without it going LAGGGGGGG
Turn off the popups and overlays and all that crap. When booting it does slow things right down even on my desktop which is an x64 quad core 2.6 with 8GB DDR3 which is kind of shitty for what is basically just a browser with IM tagged on