He seems legit guys. Also, 8 x 50 minutes maths is quite much, be glad about it, math is basically the only thing they expect you to know when you start to study.
I did that too and I don't think it's superhard even though i missed a class and am still like "what is happening" when such a thing pops up. IDK, I have lots of problems with simple geometry.
Well my spatial awareness or what ever you call the ability to project geometrical in your mind and schtuff is pretty good so I dont have problems with it. a lot of geometry is your ability to project it in your mind and grasp what it means.
Mine is apparently awful but I can count really well if it's not geometry. Let's team up and own maths.
Lol I'm down, you move to Belgium cause we better than Poland since mootant apparently lives there. Btw like what do you study? cause i only see you in military suit and schtuff
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978522898 1.Start here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978522898 2.Use the "Add a comment..." box... 3. Do the same for other clan members 4. ??? 5. Have a full scrimming team ready for the scrim Incase your not sure what to do for number 4 then that will involve moaning on these forums.
Why would you check your own profile more often then your group profile? Although if you are a narcisistic Dick you might. Like who here.checks his own steam profile for comments?
for a quadratic function h(x) = t(x+5)(x - 5) where t is a constant. If h(d + 3.6) = 0, and d is a positive number, what is d? Do math asian. Edit: Oh Paradoxfag, if you want, invite me to G-String so I can organize you shitholes. I don't mind. I find it fun to organize peoples.
7/5 Edit if this is.the kind of material you get when you are 17 in America your education is just shit. Learned this when I was 14
Has to be positive. So 7/5 is the answer. Nice job asian. How are you bad at math? Take my SATs for me.
Because you get a big green alert every time you sign in if it's on your profile. You don't if it's in a steamgroup. FN baby, come back, I'm sick of dealing with these amateurs.
I dont get that shit. Anyway lawliet edited it lol i think you beat me to saying it had to be positive dient read it till I was going on about your educaional system
FN was when shit was good. He is like smooth orgasmic frozen yogurt with a cherry on top and crushed oreo bits all over. His flavor was neopolitan cause he is like mexican but white. On another note, DO MORE MATH Paradox. Find the domain of the function f(x) = √( -x) / [(x - 2)(x + 2)] (a) (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 0) (b) (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 0] (c) (-∞ , 2) U ( 2 , 0] (d) (-∞ , 2) U ( 2 , 0) (e) (-∞ , -2) U ( -2 , 2)
all these bastards are lying paradox. i got higher marks when i had a computer that could play empires than when i was running off a ubuntu live cd the solution is: PLAY MORE VIDEO GAMES, GET HIGHER MARKS
Brah i told my mum the same thing. I was like he day before i have my exam English I just start a.thread about the topic and get etho to talk about it in spec and get high marks.
It's not that I don't want to help paradox, I just feel like no one would listen to me because I am not the leader figure of the clan, and I always put low stats for charisma.