What does spending time on this forum have to do with anything, I am UNABLE to install steam or get my hands on anything steamchatty to actually do it, I would have if I could I cant sr stop implying I'm refusing to download steam. Pm them here? Its like saying every clan member of mine has a goddamn forum account I think maybe 5 have it that might check it thats me Hobbes ( who prob cant play since its a Saturday) marcin , who doesnt give a shit about playing , grant , I have talked to him and hes not going to be a help, and quetzal... My clan kent all emptrlll forum jolly.
i always get the players but I never know who was going to show and then I play some.half assed not organised game. Thats why this time I wanted a team I was sure of and give you a fight instead of a steamroll. We lost against epic + pubs imagine just epic. And beforeyour fucking manipulate my words into it meanig I'm not playing cause I dont want to lose I'm playing it you pessimistic trolls. But dont whine afterwards you wegrent given a fight hypocrits.
Ow yeah you and all the haters here are implying that I wont pm.anyone after th e 1st of july. Idiots.
Predator is busy with exams yet has been on the forums atleast twice in the past 2.5 hours.... He obviously doesnt have time to organise his clan due to these exams so lets lay off him guys
I do have time just not the resources as I have said before. Dyou guys not read anything and just hate on purpose? Cause congratulations on that. And you wrote pred instead of paradox.
One thing Parabro, learning with a computer in the room just doesn't work. Throw your laptop out the window or make your mom hide it somewhere, lock yourself away from technology for a day and come out enlightened with maths knowledge. I tried learning superbasic chemistry with the computer on. It took me 4 hours to make almost no progress. I let go of all stuff, went to bed, woke up an hour early, learned everything in an hour. Computers kill efficiency, you must figure it out if you're willing to study medicine.
I know it does, thats why I dont have my desktop, or atleast no internet on it. But like i need my laptop to open pwps and believe me even that requires a lot of juice from my laptop thats why I have it. i cant watch videos or anything or my pc goes lag and stuck cause the processor cant take it. i can just browse web and facebook thats it. well when I'm at college Im going to have to study errday so I'll just plan my study sessions without the computer and schtuff. But right now its not that much like I'm done for today, math tomorrow but everythig has been revised thrice and what not and after this I got all easy shit.
Even better, you jsut said you have time. Do research on who you can trust with spreading the word about 7th July, make everyone happy and take the #1 reason for complaining about you away.
What are the topics in your math exam and what difficulties did you have? If you can't answer that quickly we know you are lying!
Matrixes no idea how you say it in english but its called afgeleiden, limits, continuity , alot of "proofs" or what ev you call them. Asymptotes rows and funtions in general. Well I'm in the highest category of studies. Have 8 hours ( 50 min ) math. 13 science. And 11 hours of randomshit including religion english dutch french. Total of 33 hours a week Edit have 1 hour optional i can pick.
How to do that? Querzalcoatl is able but I cant put that much pressure on him, last time he organized a lot of it already.
"afgeleiden" translated to English through Google came out as "derivatives" so I can only assume you meant differentiation.
God damn it that's piss easy what the fuck. EDIT for knowledge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_of_a_function
Its not really for powers of arc tan with anoter geometrical thingy in it with an fx init... You get fcki really long f'x and then you need to find the limit of it and the asymptotes. Like that was one of the hardest things ever today 1 hour long exercise no joke...