Yeah I did, and I would set it up so if there is a big pop it can adapt. Because you know people will vote for this when there is 30+ in the server. It is still one direction, and still simple, just two big rocks to drive around instead of one giant lane.
I did actually. But apparently you didn't. I under lined the part you didn't read. But I forgive you.
The map initially looked like a not so terrible version of the s bend in slaughtered. Seeing the screenshots make me think it will be way better than that though, pretty much fixing all my little complaints. Considering how wide it is though, I think you can get away putting some small infantry cover in the middle of the lanes. Not just on the sides or whatever. Just so tanks have to navigate a bit, to kinda discourage people rushing right past everything, but can still shoot across at the other tanks or infantry going from cover to cover.Really I just don't want it to end up as a meatgrinder like slaughtered is, but seeing the size I don't think it will happen. I like the idea of the second starting rax, just have to lower the starting res so a vf can't be dropped, not just discouraged like trickster was saying. I think having so many refs wouldn't be terrible either. It is a single lane which means the ones closer to base will survive much longer than say some open map, so people won't have to constantly go back to build a new one. It also gives the advancing a small enough benefit that helps them but won't cripple the defending team. Lowering the refs gives the advancing team a much bigger benefit that makes comebacks harder. Considering the size I feel like such a crippling state would make games last longer in the way that the defending team knows they are going to lose, but have to slug it out for much longer than say crossroads or something. It isn't like it takes long to build refs either, so I don't think it will be that much of a problem in a low pop setting. Looking forward to playing on the map.
The thread topic is that this is a single-lane, low-pop map. That's the general premise of this. Throwing it out the window by opening up the map gets rid of the lane, thus changing the basic assumption behind it. Reading is clearly not all, some comprehension also helps.
refs seem fine. maybe get rid of the two in the middle, maybe not is this going to have weird cliff sides like stalemate too also bigteef thinks slaughtered has one chokepoint. that is big
I was thinking that too, having little one-direction fortifications or half bunkers that are open towards the defending side but provide cover against the offensive side, with no roof.
i do too, but the cliff texture is used with green so many times. you know what would be cool - autumn, its so underdone ... ... but it would require textures and trees and foilage. im not sure if i want to invest more time in creating the map then it gets played. its a couple of hours already, thats maybe 6-7 rounds, and it could easily be ten times or more in the end if i run into problems. and how high is the chance ill ever play it seriously? i mean i do it because i wanted to push verices around and plop props here and there, also because i want to play that sort of map - so its ok for me - but if you want something special youll need to give it to me. idk how it will turn out. also as i said ill release the vmf with the map once i release it, so everyone can change everything to their liking. it just while working on it merging all the possible changes (though i dont expect any tbh) would be administrative suicide. that also goes for you teef. your changes would only take a few minutes or if you are unexperienced maybe an hour if you read the right tutorial. with suggestions i mainly meant suggestions concerning scenery and refs and tickets and this kind of stuff, maybe i was unclear sry. i dont plan to touch the outer cliff walls ever again. weird? (i mean the answer is most probably yes, though i think i used noise in stalemate, but please explain)
It's flat. Not flat flat, but you know, fairly flat ground. An alternative to actual trees or buildings could be to raise ground into mini hills a bit at certain points, so infantry could hide behind it, and it'd act like something vehicles had to go around than straight over. Other than that...well it looks massive so maybe mini-flags or regular flags might be awesome to spice it up a little bit. Getting jeeps or heck heavy tanks considering how big it is, past the line and capturing res nodes like that. Wait, flags can act as res nodes, right? But you can't spawn at them, right?
there was a map that had a weird sharp-ish edge where the side of the cliff and the top connect. was jarring to look at
they give res but it doesnt scale. also they have in- and outputs so you can do all sort of things, like spawning ammoz or enable spawn points or raise/lower ramps or connect a point_template containing a resonode which gets built outside the playable map area so you can have scaling-res flags. but flags aint very classic gameplay - no gimmicks for this map. also yes the floor is still flat and its gonna stay like that for till i know where everything goes. also alphapainting (blending two textures) isnt done at all. atm the floor is still regular 2048 disp patches ... im honest, either my skill or my patience dont suffice for more. i know i could subdivide the disps to get nice rounds and then push along the subdivision normal - but i run into a lot of different issues with this approach. it also takes me way longer, as i need to push the top verts aswell. atm i already moved around 4000 vertices individually along one or two axis, thats a work of like 4h+/-. i know how keef made maps, but im either too stupid or impatient to do it his way. i always end up with degenerated disp geometry. i also know how silk does his and i really admire his patience and dedication (also the way he plans everything in adavance and the sheer amount of work that goes into lovely details and pure eyecandy). if you know a balanced way of good looking, failsafe and fast please share. after all this years playing around with displacments this is the best solution for me so far. its mindless but kinda medidative work, so its bearable sometimes, i can predict the outcome quite well and changes are possible as long as i dont touch the z coordinate (thats why its flat still), the looks might not be superrealistic, but its recognizeable as cliffs.
HALP? this only happens if i run fast compile. theres no black stripes but it takes considerably longer (15x+) if i run better quality. just for checking sizes it really is a pita to wait 15mins ... everything that isnt a prop or other point entity is alingned to a 64 grid at least (i also noticed lightmap grid looks odd in hammer but only where i deformed disp brushes so i assume thats normal). what do? (also working title, its no mountain at all ...)
You know what, I wont bother continuing this because its going to turn delve into a pissing contest. So I am ending it there with a "fuck you it's a suggestion." Slaughtered sucks, its a stupid narrow canyon and it always boils down to somebody blocking someone. My idea makes its more easier to move around and its still one fucking lane because they have to go the same way to the front lines, except the front lines has an fork. It's not crossroads where you need to defend the left or the right, you have to defend one choke point before they dive into the main assuming you dident move. It is still a single lane, there is either the long way or the short way. The long way being two extra refs, and the short way for the base. Jesus fucking christ, ignore my suggestion if you dont like it. Not start a fucking argument over nothing.
2 things 1. Keep it because it's cool 2. Or get the guys together to donate their cores to help compile maps like we tried back then.
meh its got to be something i could do, i mean quite obviously i did something to break it, so there has to be something i can do to unbreak it, yes? also grant vmpi compile only worked for vis and thanks to viscluster vis is no issue anymore.
I am going to suggest something stupid if I haven't already. Have you considered adding pathways on the canyon walls through out the entire map strictly for infantry combat?
and how would that fix lighting issues? but yes, i considered it but it would effectively mean a second lane (1inf, 1veh). theres gonna be small areas where you can get up though, a few are already built, theres just nothing to climb yet (you see some in that image above, not sure if all are reachable) yes.