Send status messages to commader to all players on the team

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by HaschteWas, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. HaschteWas

    HaschteWas Member

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    Right now messages like:
    "CV under attack!",
    "Building is under attack!",
    "Research complete",
    "Unit lost!"
    (and so on)
    just go to the command in case he is sitting in the CV.

    I would like to have that kind of messages sent to all players on the team.
    This would help the team a lot,
    because everyone then knows whats going on
    and its not just the commander who gets this kind of information.

    I once played a match where one team was winning badly and the comm went out to help finishing the game with tank.
    So there was no guy in the cv but the cv was located in a turret farm.
    However, a sneaky squad revive of the other team took out all turrets and killed the CV.
    Because of the "too many objects on the radar" bug, nothing was seen from that on the minimap, although the radar was close.
    Moreover there was not a single piece of information on the screen to tell that the enemy team is working on the turrets or CV except the health status of the cv (which is too late...).
    If the commander messages had been sent to all the players on the team,
    there would have been no chance to lose all the buildings and the cv without noticing it.

    In principle one could even add more message.
    Something useful would be a message which tells what kind of research just has been started by the commander.
  2. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    um... if you don't have a commander and you loose... why are you complaining here? Com ninja's in the last minutes of the game are THE thing to pull off for a desperate team. Why would your incompetent com even leave the vehicle alone is beyond me (turret farm or not).
  3. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Until they put the voices in the game - Guys who com without a microphone do need to bind some keys:

    bind "k" "say_team Ref at my location comm"

    put in what ever text you like - for example: "FUCK FUCK FUCK - HELP COM VEHICLE IS DYING - GET TO MY LOCATION NOW!"

    and press the key ALOT to get the team to respond.

    Also FAAW will ask for Air support - meaning the COM. Guys on my team know to use that to ask for commanders attention. Nothing more need be said since the COM should know what is needed.
  4. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I know coms get alot of shit for loosing, but if someone lost because he wanted to go out tanking, its his own damn fault for taking the risk.
    Research is displayed in the corner. Maybe I multitask looking everywhere better than the average joe, but if somethings being done, the counter is moving , therefore easy to spot.
  5. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I usually use the "area clear" to indicate the com needs to drop shit.
  6. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't know, most people on the ground are usually focused on what is right in their general area. Getting spammed by those voice things could get annoying, not to mention slightly misleading if it's all crap on the other side of the map from where you are. Currently I am pretty sure the icons on the minimap blink if it is being under attack. It is just another little thing players have to pick up on.

    I really feel like if something is happening it is the commanders responsibility to say something to his team. Personal experience is that you need to constantly keep your team informed of whats happening so they don't have to worry and focus on what they need to do. Having everyone hear whats happening when it isn't necessary for them is just going to overwhelm some new people I think.

    Losing because you couldn't even see the enemy team with too much stuff on the minimap does kinda stuck, but I have to agree it is the commanders fault for not staying in the command vehicle at the end of the match. A time when ninjas are most likely to happen.
  7. HaschteWas

    HaschteWas Member

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    Its not about the commander telling the team what's currently going on.
    Its about automatically giving the players on the field more information what's going on on their team.

    Everyone would appreciate the message "Research complete!" on his speakers/headphones when playing on the field.

    Because these messages are already implemented in empires,
    it should be easy to send them to all players on the team instead of just the guy in commander mode.
    Hell, you don't even get the "Research complete!" message when you are outside the commander mode for example while driving the cv or building shit.
  8. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    wait... you don't get the command vehicle is under attack message when you are a player? im pretty sure you do
  9. HaschteWas

    HaschteWas Member

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    As I told, you can be on a team and lose your CV without a single commander is under attack message.
  10. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Since many games are very low pop games, the com leaving the vehicle will assure a win, more often than a loss. Or he wastes the time to research turrets and drives around the front line building, which is more risky than leaving the com vehicle protected at main. Of course if the com vehicle gets destroyed it's his fault - but then again isn't every loss? ;)

    A smart attack on only the COM vehicle will many times end the game. And rarely does anyone consider that a fun game. Well we do have some ego maniacs that think that is fun. Only sometimes do we hear that the COM vehicle is being attacked. Usually if hit by HE or a missile, but not stickies or grenadier. I'd have to test it to be certain what is broken.

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