The first public test of Empires 2.8.1 will be a bugtest held next saturday, at 7pm UTC on Nubs testing server. First read Testing 101 and How to download the beta. Like this post if and only if you intend to show up. Post your feedback in this thread - even if you test beforehand; the version we are going to test is already live on the beta branch, so you are also free to arrange your own public tests with friends. Please ensure all feedback ends up in this thread. Read through the changelog to know what to test; mostly building placement.
What a sneaky way to get more likes. Also what happened to 2.8? I don't think that actually happened did it?
Description/Defect: You can use the mouse's middle wheel (or whatever your bind is) to "scroll" through weapons while being inside a Command Vehicle. This causes the "Select Prev/Next weapon" sound to be played. How to reproduce: 1) Enter a Command Vehicle 2) Start "scrolling" (switching) between weapons Expected behavior: You should not be able to switch between your weapons and/or hear the "Select Prev/Next weapon" sound while inside a Command Vehicle.
2.8.0 building placement was not correct, so we didn't release it. Only a few people tested that when it was in beta, but we figure we will need a proper, public bugtest to find any serious flaws with the new release. Good luck to all testers!
ughhhh i thought it was starting now, but realized its in one hour. you gotta have some sort of time conversion tool in the first post
So far we've found these: -No sounds for: all engines, std cannon, building placement, vehicle MGs -Wrong sounds for: grenadier weapons, seismic grenades -Vehicle hints are shown for destroyed vehicles
Just a minor thing... But the armour descriptions are wrong... The description for reactive states: "It is the heaviest armour, but the strongest in terms of raw damage" However capacitative armour is "stronger" as it has 160hp per plate compared to 120... This may be confusing for newer players...
Vehicle info pop-ups still occur when in a vehicle... If you get in a jeep and drive up to a tank, you'll see what I mean.
view orientation when building jeep changes where you are standing (should be in front) building placement still a little weird imperial apc description has a typo in the bind message part no sounds for local messages (covering fire, taunts) in f menu news panel shows motd until you mouse over it (and vice versa) not sure but i also think scout is the default class when you join the game
That view on jeep building isn't new, it's always like that when not using a vf. I don't think there was impact sounds from vehicle missiles.
I wanted to mention this before I forgot, but you should use the steam groups ahead of time when you want to do bug tests like this. People rarely use forums, but most people who are in that vet pug group have done testing before so either know the drill or willing to see what's new. Oh, there's an actual testing group too, ,didn't see it cause I wasn't a member of it. Probably better to use that one. I don't think we'll ever have a proper 15v15 or probably even a 10v10 when it comes to tests anymore because there simply isn't a dedicated enough player pop for that, but it would be nice to have at least a 6v6 on something, just barely enough to have an ok game of empires.
Is this intended? As an engineer, drop an ammo crate, you get a cooldown, okay that's fine. However when you die, the timer resets to 0, allowing you to immediately drop a crate again.
Description/Defect: You are able to drain your Stamina even though you are not moving. This occurs in any situation where movement is restricted. How to reproduce (examples): 1) Go prone; crouch (stay still) 2) Use sprint Expected behavior: Your Stamina should only drain if movement occurs after attempting to use it.