Hello. I'm here to announce the beginning of a new clan, named the Reichswehr Infantry Division. Don't let the surprisingly German (specifically WWI and WWII German) name deter you, because we're not Nazis. We're rising from the ashes of a long-dead clan, the Tacticians-Strategists. We're a strategic and organized clan that is currently looking for members, seeing as we only have two as of this post. Just wanted to tell everyone from Empires that there's a new kid on the block (and some new competition.)
Oh, and just wanted to put it out there, so here's the link to our forums. We're looking for recruits. http://z8.invisionfree.com/RID_Clan_Forum/index.php?
I'd join, but I'm a hardened veteran that hates clans. So expect me to smash you guys in your infancy... after I get this AFV done.
Nice, because of guys like him i am almost fed up with empires! At first an admin of the Emp4All server who has named himself Adolf Schickelgruber, and now RID, Reichswehr Infantry Division; How ignorant! -.- now i know why every english or american guy is calling us, germans, Nazis...
It's not ignorance. It isn't even a remote attempt to attack Germans, maybe you're misinterpreting this. We aren't Nazis, nor are we anti-Semites, and we don't hate or plan on hating any other minority or majority of people. So give us a break, we're pretty cool guys. The name just kind of stood out at us when we were going to pick one.
If you want some free hosting (root access to your site via FTP and full MySQL control) PM me. url would be http://rid.kolntus-emin.net/ unless theres something else you want (it has to be *.kolntus-emin.net/) Already EPIC at http://epic.kolntus-emin.net/ and Trickster is quite content with the arrangements.