Well Im not saying we are better then -MEG- or whatever. But I can get all my members online at once if i organize it. And Trickster, |RAGE| can't compete with big clans since they havent been arround that long.
+5 people doesn't count as a clan. If they can't pull at least 10, if not 15 on a peak time night, they aren't a clan, simple as.
I accept , add me on steam (il pm u my steamname). @Trickster, what do you expect to have a clan of 20+ people in less then a month time? then people start trolling u be noob or what ever. One way or the other we get trolled for no reason just cause it's empires, i rather have us get trolled for being small by you then getting trolled cause we to big to fast.
EPIC and JPL can both pull 15 at their respective peak times, we're just not active enough to pull it at eachothers, which makes scrimming somewhat difficult. BSID were that big at one point, as were CW. Also, no I don't expect you to be big enough, but I'd have at least waited a couple of weeks before posting here, just to see if things were going to stick. EPIC started out small and we got all the trolling, trust me. The trick is just not to get ahead of yourself. You don't need a server, you don't need a post here. You just need to actively recruit people ingame, not wait for them to come to you. One of EPIC's best ever scrims was against a small clan called [OMFG]. We were their first match and their only match. It took hours to beat them, and even then they only lost because their commander was incapable of driving, so don't worry about skill too much, because teamwork can take over that.
Well, it was the clan section so I thought if you started a clan you had to just post here to let others know. But Paradox thinking seems to be bad all the time...
lol. RAGE and 420 are both offshoots of -MEG-. if these overeager beavers would just chill -MEG- would stay strong. their leaders take themselves seriously, so they try to make serious clans. they should have to rejoin MEG in shame after their respective scrim defeats like crushed mutinous provinces. btw we can crush RAGE, exe, 420 and even BSID whenever you bitches are ready. and you PRKL, if you ever want to get crushed without EPIC carrying you, let me know. we all know PRKL can't com
I find it quite amusing that you Megs mock other clans who scrimmed clans like jpl and epic while you yourself remain in the darkness. I look up to the people who do their best and challenge stronger adversaries. They knew their chance of victory in the scrims werent high, yet they scrimmed none the less. and PRKL has always joined up with epic in scrims, some of PRKLs members is/were epic afterall. They started off as a bunch of buddies who just played togheter for fun and never tried to establish some serious clan or any such thing... yet you mock them and try to ridicule them for not having a player who wants to sleep in the cv. They are similar to onins squad... except they arent trying to glorify and brag about themself like cunts. They are just a group who play togheter and have fun... yet now you ridicule them for just enjoying empires for what it is. You sir, are the lowest of low.
Hobbes gtfo, the only MEG guys of the 11 members I have is me dark and redfang. And I recruited them cause they are my friends on empires. If you could beat RAGE why didn't you guys show up at the skrim we had planned? And lying bout us losing good job. And RAGE is not an offshoot of MEG since I started it not with the goal to mock or have a bad relation with -MEG- or any clan as far as I know. I started this clan to make active empire players become friends with each other and let them have more fun playing it by giving them a good teamexperience. I admit myself that I am not a big fan of PRKL people for my own reason, but calling them bad players is just retarded. Insulting other clans isn't smart either fyi. Hobbes you just fucked up the little bit of respect the community has for -MEG- Paradox
Remember when we were going to have that scrim and only 4 people from MEG came but EXE had about 10 or 11.
Haha nice troll Hobbes. Now only if your can beat ExE clan. You have no chance against the executable squad (ExE guild) or BSID... even if we have let cpatton comm drunk again.