I remember when gayweed played when I played, those were some shitty matches. Thank god he only plays when it's morning here.
Ya blackmountain, is tha shit... if u like walking for ages and possibly getting a shit comm that doesnt reseach a working engine that can actual climb the hills... I PERSONALLY dont like the map.
That seems pretty common with meg, when I was in 420 they never showed up(well neither did we because both fricken clans are full of pot smokers), same with now when we were going to have exe vs meg and they weren't there. Say how bout ExE has a game with |RAGE|?
So there's 420, EXE, RAGE and MEG. 4 small clans who aren't big enough to take on JPL, BSID or EPIC. Why don't you merge up into 2 clans or something so you can actually play something larger than 8v8.
Whats even more strange is that people migrate between those lesser clans. Anyways 420 is off the empires map, and the people who stayed on the empires map went to MEG or EXE. It would be SCAWSPARAE Self-Centered-Assholes-Who-Smoke-Pot-And-Rage-As-Engineer
Yeah, MEG and ExE are the only legitimate, competitive clans outta the four. The problem is that they can only get +5 members online every full moon.