okay so i googled this and couldnt find shitall of whati wnated, what i want to know is can i make models(or the map) in cinema 4d then export it to hammer? like buildings, shipyards, etcetera? could anyone send me a helpful link? thanks ok ok ill clear it up, can i make a model in C4d and export it or add it to a map in hammer,
i am having trouble finding out what you want to do exactly, maybe it is my bad English but i read that you want to do something with hammer, and cinema4d, and that you want to export files and maps but to what and for what goal im so sorry, i just don't understand the question maybe someone else can help
you need to save it as a vmf. You also need to skin it. Can't skin a model in hammer. In your SDK tools menu when you start sdk, look up the xsi tool, it has the ability to save models in the .vmf format. Also check out the dev wiki about texturing.
You need a plugin that allows you to export to .smd files. There's a link to a plugin that allows you to export to .smd. Unfortunately it only allows static models at the moment. Once you have it in .smd format, use studiomdl to compile it into a .mdl file. Then you should be able to load it into Hammer, you might have to place it into the correct directry (Empires/Models) first, I don't know. Under no circumstances should you make an entire map in Cinema4D. For this you need to understand the difference between brushes and props and will need to dive deep into the mapping section. If you want to make a dynamic model, or if the plugin otherwise doesn't what you want it to do, you will probably need another program, such as MilkShape. Find a format that C4D can write and that MilkShape can read, export and find out whether it wasn't fucked up by the conversion process. It usually will be fucked up, but you brought this on yourself by not using the recommended modelling software. When you have it in MilkShape, you can export it to smd from there. Don't be disappointed if nothing works in the first try, because nothing ever does.