Hi everyone, there's gonna be a pug incoming pretty soon, sometime on December 17th. Possibly another one in the middle of january. Now, My question to you all is what you want to see in it? I can say in advance I'll be using the pug plugin so expect captains and the server to be open, but I'm not to sure what to do for maps. I'm rather fond of contradictory themes, so I was thinking of doing a bunch of desert maps in the middle of our current winter weather. So maps like arid, ward, dune, mesa. I also tend to favor less played maps which is why mvalley and duststorm isn't on this list. If you want more snow stuff or just a spread of different things that's fine too, just tell me. If you have other ideas outside of maps I'm all ears, just know in advance that the event is open so I can't really enforce super fancy stuff like people making squads ahead of time. At most I could ask creeper to change res flow or limit tanks, kinda like what trickster was proposing in this vintage thread, or something a bit more simpler like just asking commanders not to research heavies(though I kinda would require prepicked commanders too, if only because I could expect them to follow the rule.) After all pugs about the only time you can see fancier stuff like this, so make your voice heard. Like I said there will probably be a pug in January too, so we can try another theme then.
I quite like the ideas Trickster was proposing, I would really like to see research costs implemented in the PUG.
The slightly trickier part with research costs or other script edits like that is it won't show up on the client side. We can keep it simple and just have costs for chassis again telling commanders they need X amount of res to research it, but if you wanted costs for everything then we need dedicated commanders that we can give research scripts to so they know how much everything costs. I do worry just a tad at people yelling at the commander about not researching when they have no res. I hopefully I can stymie that a bit by just saying at the pug start there's costs to research so commanders should plan accordingly, informing players what's up. I am sad no one wants desert theme I can't get people to download a beta, I don't see that happening security.
I suspect that commanders might forget about the research costs after going so long without having them. In any case, your probably right. If the winter theme ends up winning, what about having snowbound on the rotation?
If it were me I'd throw a shadows_attacks in there just for the surprise factor. EDIT: me and Lazy posted at same time, shadows_attacks is happening guys just wait
Hmm, I'm surprise that there's not that much interest in extra things outside of maps. Oh well, good old pug it is. Maybe I'll do something fun next pug. At the moment we got city and winter themes winning out. It's not like the poll has closed yet though, so it could change. Still, it's more of a gauge of which maps to put out and less of whatever theme wins is those maps only. I'll put the actual thread for the pug probably this weekend at some point, so you guys still have a few days to give me feedback.
i was planning to ask around like a week or two ago about getting access to a server to host a pug but i got super busy, so thanks for doing this i vote city maps since people know what they're doing theres no chance of that happening all your changes are very thought out
Winter maps are wrongly affiliated with Christmas. I hereby change my vote from grass to desert maps.