Today, it's a cereal. Tomorrow, it's BE Brand All Terrain Cars! (B.A.T.) Advert idea: *announcer voice* "When you've gotta get to work fast... you'll drive like a B.A.T. out of hell!" Or something. I don't know. I'm not in advertising. I guess the NF CV would be like that ridiculously big civvie truck (image to follow tommorrow, it's the CXT international) We need products, and then we need textures of said products, and then we need these textures applied to maps in an urban setting. THAT'S the one thing glycen city is missing! Billboards for BE brand Skiis!
I can make it into a texture, but you'll have to find some mapper willing to stick... er, use it in a map On second thought, this shouldn't be in the game, it must return to the blackhole from which it spawned!
It's very annoying for Krenzo that you keep doing that, it's bad enough that you need to download it whenever you join a BSID server. There ya go. Zipped and in VTF format :D
lulz...look at the time I posted that link? I figured you would have gotten it when...I gave it to you : / I'll reupload later
Hahahahahahaha. Havn't watched RvB in ages :p Did someone call for a really hairy plumber? Bow-chicka-bow-wow!