Erotic Role-Play That's actually kind of unrealistic, pure Francium can't exist in any environment that contains oxygen period.
[VIPER]_Jade: he calledf me a terrostis [VIPER]_Jade: saying i did 9/11 [VIPER]_Jade: never even spoke to him [VIPER]_Jade: and i killed lots of people
2:58 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: how do you clean yourself 2:58 PM - D.D.D. Z!000000M: sand? 2:58 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: sand
6:52 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: So you asked a question you already knew the anwser too 6:52 PM - D.D.D. Z!000000M: yes as a means of starting a converstaion 6:52 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: You evil mother fucker 6:52 PM - Big Boss BigTeef: how dare you trigger my autism
Frankly between Cherry reds and my uncoordinated button mashing i just figured people got the idea not to expect my words to be fully correct outside of forum posts. If youre talking about my habit of correcting people, i do it in good faith really , not to be an asshole. Also using wrong words is not the same as misspeling.