One of the best and prestigious of the clans in Empires is back and thanks to various benefactors in the clan they now have a server. Steam Group Page Clan Description The Öutçasts is a 12 year old gaming community as of 2005, we started in 1995, complete with deticated clan members that play multiple MMO games. We're a tight family of gaming friends that love legitimate game play. Recruitment At the moment the clan is invite only. Refer to bort for recruitment.
Who remembers the last time they came around and put a server up ? They banned people with certain clan tags
I think creeper made an excellent decision. I'm currently making any and all efforts to join the prestigious outcasts. Get on my level.
Shit is too funny. Plz bring back the outcasts and their entire clan, we can play together and have a scrim sometimes. Wheres bort, plz tell bort to rejoin our glorious servers, we miss him. Dont we guys?
Teef contact bort, he's an old man which you're good at speaking with, and tell him to organise an outcast team for this mega-6vs6-tourney we're having.