the observation area looks so chernobyl power plant like. what happened to bunker stuff? and please don't make entering it too complex by adding stairs and "ground elevation".
Awesome, also raise the landing pad a little bit and add those characteristic mashes. I couldn't find exactly what I mean, something like this but prettier: or like in gta4:
Also there seem to be some standards for heli pad sizes. Incorporating them would be difficult because they are pretty huge: Maybe our aircraft factories should be bigger? The be one takes a bit less area then the vf, i think.
Think missile silo: If you need height just add a bigger concrete base, but close to the ground is best.
yep same as i thought why always struts i added the stairs because BE got those ramps as mentioned earlier they are just to prevent rusher running in and doing a slaughter if you come with the argument that it takes too long to build aircraft then, mind this: you just have to be somewhere on the basis of the model basically and press the "aircraft cnostructionmenu button" it will work in the same way as with the barracks or the vehicle factory there is a way at the U-shaped stairs
I don't like the crane. Also that control building is weird, it should be a bit bigger and somewhat armory style.
when you finally convert to smd-files and your crates-file is ~7 times bigger then the model reference itself, you've done it right :D EDIT: Also, remove the platform.
This could be added right on top of my landing pad area, which would actually look sick, it would create a kind of channel around it between the buildings/edge and the actual spawn point for aircraft. (but it's really hard to draw ) here's my 2nd crack at it, I like Apex' idea to slant the walls, very NF. I also tried to open up a route under/through the bottom of the building, cause I think gunfights under there could be fun. The struts are simply to raise it, so that it is more consistent with the BE one, and making it a little safer to be inside. (also the BE one is BFD, a very complex building thats pretty detailed and grandiose) I added a little central control deck, as I think that would help a lot with natural foot traffic flow inside the building. thanks for compliments homies version 2:
i like it has crates and crap +1 no but seriously, im pro a bigger building. those of mash look kind of small ...
i like this bigger version too but i would make it massive under the launchpad this tunnel would only make the whole thing incredibly complex and a campspot i mean if we dont got such thing on other buildings its kinda unbalanced imo although i agree that leaving it just as a solid block is kinda boring