To jump back on subject, the tower should, even slightly, should be taller than the building. Otherwise it just makes no sense. (Since the idea is to get over all the crap about it)
Hi, i want to compile the model, i used textures from here: ..\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\Empires\materials\nf\buildings. I think the important line is the $cdmaterials path in this .qc file, but i don't know what path to use. This one doesn't work. PS: I'll make a tutorial at the wiki if i'll get it working. Code: $modelname nf_radar.mdl $cdmaterials nf\buildings\radar $staticprop $scale 100.0 $body studio "nf_radar.smd" $sequence idle "nf_radar.smd" fps 1 $collisionmodel "nf_radar.smd" { $Mass 20 }
If the textures are in \buildings then the line needs to read \buildings, not \buildings\radar Also the textures need to have the same filename as they did when you applied them in the modelling package, at least that's what I always do and they work fine for me. Also you need a different collision mesh, collision meshes have to be made of convex blocks, you can't just use the reference model as the collision mesh unless the model is a box. And what are the {}s for?
OK, lets say all materials are in ..\nf\buildings, can i use $cdmaterials nf\buildings ? I havent done the collision mesh yet nor animations, i just want to check the if the textures are fine. I've copied most of the .qc file, dunno if all lines are necessary. EDIT: It's working, I got my first model. I have to find out the correct scale, the first time my radar was as big as emp_money :D
While using XSI to convert my model, i had a curious problem. My first low res version worked fine, i used a few textures, just to figure out how to use studiomdl. I importet the objectfile and saved it as SMD. My new model ist much bigger (more faces) and i'm using more textures. The objectfile seems to be OK, i can see all faces and texturenames in XSI, but if I export the model, XSI only saves 2 textures names and studiomdl doesn't convert faces with no texture. This results in a mostly invisible model. What did i miss ? Is this a limitation of XSI Demo version ?
ingamepics of version 0.1 This is version 0.1 LOD works, physibox works, textures are mostly taken from nf\buildings\. I'm busy atm, cause i got a job and im taking studiyng serious, to the next version it will take some time.
To be honest I think it looks worse than the existing one, and everything looks like it's been smoothed.
I think that's great. Only concerns which I have about is are that the round dome could be somewhat bigger and more to the center and the machines inside could use a bit more older look/NFing. Like more rust on them, rustish colors on them or something. But it looks very nice.
I'll remap the inside, I'm currently working on the outside. @Chris what do you mean with smoothed ? maybe that's my graphicsetting: textures@medium, AA:4x, AF:4x, HDR off. I tried to use existing textures and modify the color by using the "$color" "[ ]" command in the VMT, but no luck yet. Do i have to use some more commands to get $color working ? Or is there a way to change the brightness of textures in the vmt ? Regards
Your model looks like it has smoothing groups enabled in too many places, you use smoothing groups to smooth similar planes into one apparent curve, you seem to have used it over 90 degree corners and large polygons, and it looks bad.
The radar cylinder ontop of the structure doesn't need any smoothing, the ones in real life have hard edges. Heres another picture:$FILE/schiphol 1.jpg