Well I gotta go away for a week, and I'm not releasing it when I can't stick around to make sure it isn't broke, so it'll have to wait a bit. Delays delays delays, but considering I had 20 maps, and now pushing at 40, I think it'll be worth the wait.
Ok, I finally have time to get this compiled. So, added new maps emp_nomis_henmo_ob, emp_escort_alt3, emp_megahill_jam_b5, emp_canal, maybe a final working version of emp_break (hopefully).
Just released a new beta of escort (emp_escort_alt5) and my latest escort mod (emp_escort_nf2) if its still not too late to get them included
Not at all :D List stands at: emp_atoll_b2 emp_blah4 emp_break_poc emp_bush_ob4 emp_delta_rc3a emp_escort_ck_rc3 emp_frozensummit_b2 emp_hazard_rc6 emp_homeland_b9 emp_king_r5 emp_mesa_b4 emp_midbridge_b3c emp_moors_b1 emp_shadows_rc10a emp_silo_rc3 emp_slaughtered_2_21 emp_snowbound_1_3 emp_temple_b3 emp_tropicvendetta_rc1 emp_ward_rc2 emp_traders_a8 emp_theinternetisforporn4 emp_research_1_2 emp_vehicletraining_ob2 emp_rainbowroad_b2 emp_megahill_jam_b5 emp_echo emp_provinggrounds emp_jeepwars_b3 emp_smokies_rc2 emp_insurrection_rc3 emp_jeepwars_b3 emp_nomis_henmo_ob emp_escort_nf2 emp_escort_alt5 emp_canal_whateverthelatestversionisattimeofpacking Any more entrants before I close this? Not sure about echo. Also, this has more than double the amount of maps than the first edition, good work guys.
LOL, such a sad day when you're given a medal for someothing you were unaware of doing. Isn't it wonderful.
ah... it is coming back now, i must say i am rather busy focussing on my current main occupation (X3 reunion) so i get confused sorry
Problems I'm currently having: Need to apply the fix to emp_break_poc Can't find emp_escort_ck_rc3 - may have to retrieve from original map pack Can't find emp_midbridge_b3c - may have to retrieve from server Can't find emp_slaughtered_2_21 - may have to rerieve from original map pack Have to use emp_snowbound_1_2 Need to edit emp_temple_b3 into emp_temple_b3a due to 2.12 version Can't find emp_ward_rc2 - may have to retrieve from server and edit to rc2a due to conflict Can't find emp_theinternetisforporn4 - may have to retrieve from original map pack Can't find emp_vehicletraining_ob2 - may have to retrieve from original map pack emp_echo - Not including emp_jeepwars_b3 - Lost link again (sorry Kai) and can't remember how we fixed it, I need that back emp_canal - Can't find a link at all anywhere On top of this, I can't rememer any server edits I made to these if I had to edit them to make them work. I Know break and jeepwars are both included in this.
not worry about escort ck, slaughtered_2_21, temple_b3 crashes nachos and ELC, canal is a WIP don't worry about it either http://downloads.borgamers.com/
I believe Silk said he was compiling a new version or re-compiling for us porn4, no clue where that is dont' know anything about jeepwars emp_canal is WIP dont' include it in the pack