New Infantry Sounds Test

Discussion in 'Testing Discussion' started by Donald Trump, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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  2. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    well it didn't sound as deep the breathing so not sure why its different just like I dont know why I dont have that annoying sound when I change my weapons.

    And it is invalidating our feedback we say we prefer the older sounds over the new sounds we are not saying we prefer the older sounds period.
    Just compared to the old ones they are better than most of the new ones
  3. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I think a thing DT is bringing up too much and it's really a good argument at all is that some of the sounds are real life recordings he made and sound more realistic than the other sounds making them automaticly better.

    Real life recordings might be more accurate, but they aren't better.
    I feel like you are attached to those sounds and making up not very good arguments because you put in the work to record them.
    Thanks for recording it and trying, but they arent better so some of them should go honestly.
  4. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I agree with paradox, just like in movies and TV they need to adjust sounds and such so it sounds more realistic on that media, even though they arent actually taking from real life, or they are edited and tweaked to sound good in a movie and on TV.
  5. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I just googled and found interesting articles are sounds for film and games etc they actually use everyday things to make sounds for other things.

    • A pair of gloves sounds like bird wings flapping
      • A heavy phone book makes body-punching sounds
      • Corn starch in a leather pouch makes the sound of snow crunching
      the point Im bringing out is the film and gaming industry doesnt use real life sounds from guns tanks etc.
  6. TheCreeper

    TheCreeper Member

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    Didn't Angry make the old sounds? Might be worth asking him for some tips/advice.
    vipervicki likes this.
  7. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    It should.

    Alright. Let me break this down. I'm not saying "realistic sounds are better", that was when you said all the sounds are synthetic and I said "well I recorded some of them so all aren't synthetic". Synthetic and Real can be mixed together, and I like it currently.

    However, what I will NOT tolerate is Vicki insulting me and saying everybody hates this. Vicki is insulting me, telling me "everyone hates it" and saying that "not a single post on the forums is good about it". Great, Where were you when I started this? Have you seen all the PM's I have gotten about how people love the new sounds? No. Vicki, instead, said everybody hates it on the forum and she can't see one good post, and people have even been PMing me about how they "dislike it", yet when I say people have been PMing me they love it, or I hear it in game, she odesn't believe me. She said "The majority hate it". No, no they don't Vicki. So far, more people like this than hate it so quit "lying", which coincidentally is what you blocked me for when I mistakenly said you called me toxic and then started driving so I couldn't reply and you got all upset that I didn't have anything to reply, more people like it then hate it they just don't want to come on here and post it.

    Vicki, give criticism rather than "I hate it". You saying that provides me little to go off of rather than scrap it completely. Seriously, you have given me 5 things to go off of. You also said you didn't think they needed changing. Brains work in recognition. Brains like things they can recognize. This is why we see faces in wallpaper designs, this is why we like patterns, this is why we like repetition to an extent. You are used to the old ones, your brain is saying "This should be there" because you have used it so much and the new one's being there throws you off. That is what I am saying. I am not invalidating your opinion and saying "I am right you are wrong" I am saying that time has to be given to accurately compare rather than just hating on it.

    Also, everyone likes different things. I CAN NOT PLEASE EVERYONE. Some people like the new tank engine, some people hate it. Some people like SMG1, some people hate it. Some people like the new tank weapons, some people hate it. This is hit or miss on a lot of stuff, if you like something DO WHAT DESTROYER IS DOING and use the old sounds for the stuff you hate and use the new stuff for the stuff you like.

    If you hate a sound, NOTHING is stopping you from using the old sound there. Really, no one is. Swap it back in.

    Yes. Yes he did. I have also talked to him as well.
  8. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    donald you are not telling the truth as you did not tell the truth in our chat. If you want I can post the chat its saved. stop telling lies. I never said any of that.
    I never said everyone hates it I never said it didnt need changing
    I have a chat logger and others have read it too so dont pull this lying crap on me or you will be shown up.

    read my posts in this thread I gave legitimate criticism and others agreed with me
  9. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    You said something along the lines of everyone doesn't like it, which then I said isn't true because and I stated that I have received numerous PM's of people saying they liked it to which you said something about how they should get balls and post on here. Then you said something about we will see when it gets on NUBS and see if we keep it there, which to me sounds like your threatening to remove it but.. funny thing, it's client side.

    You haven't provided any feedback other than I can't take criticism. Seriously, you haven't. You said something about the calculator, SMG1/P1, CV backing up, and then that you couldn't reproduce that gun switching sound. That is all the critique you gave before saying I can't take criticism. The reason I am getting short with you is because you ARE NOT providing feedback but saying I can't take criticism when your criticism and feedback is about me as a person. Ask ANY of the early testers, I provide feedback, I ask them for their advice and if it all sounds good/what could be changed.

    Also, I got in my car and started driving so I couldn't reply, I meant to say mean instead of toxic, was a in typing on my phone.

    Edit: I don't think anywhere in my above post I said you said it didn't need changing, I have no idea where you are getting that from. You said most of it needs changing if I recall correctly.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
  10. Misfire

    Misfire Always Lost

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    I think we've gone way off track here.
    I do say that trying to replace so many sounds in one go is a crushing, near impossible task.

    There are some of the old sounds I do hate and wish they were replaced. Some of the new ones I like a lot. Other new/old ones I might like more if tweaked a bit.
    Main point is no one is going to like everything... EVER. So don't try.

    I would suggest putting up a list and rating each sound. Focus redo efforts on just the ones with the lowest scores. (death sounds for me, hate them all!)
    For the next full release, only patch in a few of the best items, not the whole sound folder.

    With all the gear/exp needed to do sound, I wish I had time to help on this more. But I just don't. I will be assisting Donald as I can though.
    First suggestion we're working on is better editing software. Unfortunately freeware isn't up to the task of making good ambient sounds.
  11. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I never said everyone, I never used the word hate.. stopped lying about what I said. and I gave you very constructive critiques in the thread last night on steam and today. I have told others the same thing I have told you.
    If you cant take being told something isnt good or right then maybe you should rethink your role.
    and then making up total BS about things I have said is hitting the bottom of the barrel.
    about nubs thats your paranoia I meant as you well know thats the test of how people respond the changes to it when its on a server we even discussed that last night and you agreed.
    and that chat is logged as well.

    I really dont like being lied about or making people think I said things I never did.. so glad I removed you from steam you are officially on my shit list
  12. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    You said everyone dislikes it, you did. You didn't give me constructive criticism, you have given me 4 items out of how many? and last night you got off right after saying you didn't like the barracks, the calc, the breathing sound, and hearing that screech when you changed weapons. You haven't given me anything really to go off of and you keep saying you have given me advice. You haven't really. I am keeping a record on a google doc of sounds people like and dislike to go about fixing.

    Vicki, look back on this whole forum. I have taken criticism quite well. You are the ONLY one I am not taking criticism well from because you are insulting me, not the sounds. I even go as far sometimes as to say that "Yea I agree" when someone says something about the sound, thanking them for critiquing me, like I did with Destroyer when he sent me his giant list. I THANKED him for critiquing me. But of course, I can't take criticism.

    Im not making up stuff, I clearly remember you typing that stuff out about how no one likes them on here and you haven't seen one positive comment. I clearly remember it. Because then I went on to say that numerous people have PMed me liking it and you said people have PMed me not liking it, destroyer, over steam with his "giant list". I said I looked it over, it was 4 people who haven't liked it and more liked it and you kept going on about the "majority dislike it" and I said again that the majority liked it and have PMed me and you said they should get balls and post on here about how they like it. I'm not lying.

    Great, I'm glad you removed me as well. I don't like being insulted by you when you claim to be so righteous and nice to everyone. Glad I made your shit list as well, totally doesn't scream bias or anything of that nature either especially when the whole reason you blocked me was because of me not wanting to be steam chatting and driving.
  13. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I never said that donald I said quote "
    2/7/2016 [5:19:43 PM] [VIPER-NUBS]_Vicki: why say it privately when theres a thread
    12/7/2016 [5:19:59 PM] President Donald J. Trump: I'm not on my computer. I will be soon and I'll give you why.
    12/7/2016 [5:20:08 PM] President Donald J. Trump: And why your wrong, and why I can't please everyone.
    12/7/2016 [5:20:21 PM] [VIPER-NUBS]_Vicki: ur not pleasing the majority
    12/7/2016 [5:20:26 PM] President Donald J. Trump: Again your wrong

    I never said everyone I never said hate I told you why I didn't like the sounds en said it n this thread, and last night on steam.
    and no I removed you because you blatantly lied about what I said and tried to make me look like I said things I never did..
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  14. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    Wow, way to post PART of it and not the full thing! Somehow I knew this would happen.

    Conversation started with talking about a banned user "Silentstrike" and ended with you blocking me because I didn't reply and fix a quote I said because I was getting in my car and I couldn't reply and fix the word "toxic" with "mean", I do apologize about that. I would LOVE to rectify this with you and have a conversation with you and not pollute this thread meant to be about infantry sounds with our personal BS, but I am blocked and that wont happen.

    "Im not pleasing the majority" again, you are wrong. This is specifically what I am saying, when I said that you said "the majority hate it/the majority don't like it" this is what I was referring too. You made this up. You have, quite literally, 0 evidence to back this up. I have received NUMEROUS Pm's from people saying they liked it, the testers have for the most part green lit it saying its good.

    How about you post the part where you said the people who PMed me should grow up and get some balls and post that they like it on here? *Or something along those lines. I'd post it from our chat but I don't have the logs because I'm blocked and can't access them.

    Now, I would like to get back to sounds. Vicki, I know me and you now dislike each other, but please keep it to the sounds themselves.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  15. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    What I will be doing:
    Messing with death sounds
    Fixing Calc sound
    I'll get a replacement for barracks sound with no alarm since that seems to be an issue
    Turning up the VF and Radar a tad
  16. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    The part about silent strike was not pertinent to your thread, there is no where in that chat or any other chat I said everyone hates your sounds or i said everything good dont change anything and yes I challenged you since you are proven to lie why arent these people posting on your thread how much they love your sounds. All you could say everytime I made a suggestion of change you said Im wrong most love them they tell me in pm's

    and its obvious you didn't read any of my posts on this thread about why certain sounds I did not like and some I did like.

    also your lies make no sense saying I said everything is good dont change them and then you say I said I hate them and everyone hates stumbled over your own lies.

    I stayed up late last night trying to help you and made helpful posts in this thread and gave you a link to how the film industry does it.

    but no worries I wont be helping anymore. you can live in your fantasy world saying I said things that never happened.
    Im done..
  17. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    Again, I am taking this from the "You are not pleasing the majority." because by saying that you are saying the majority doesn't like it. (Akin to they don't like it, they hate it etc, though hate may be a bit too far. I am always quick to use that word.)

    In fact, I did read them. I even jotted them down to fix right now. You gave me 5 sounds, 3 last night as well. 8 sounds in total. I'm even fixing some of them now.

    Again, I will repeat for the 3rd time, I never said you said everything is good and don't change. I don't know where you got that from. Don't think its stumbling over my own lies if I can't recall ever saying that.

    Yep, and I did do that. I know how they do it, and I appreciate you staying on last night to help. However, I recall you joined NF and did a couple things, gave me about 3-4 suggestions if I recall, then got off because of that screeching noise you heard which I was going to follow up on with you tomorrow. One of the guns is actually a balloon popping and I did some effects to it to make it sound like a gun, which one though? Try to find out!

    Okay, I'll live in the fantasy where I know what I said, what you said, and go back to working on sounds that you recommend I fix.
  18. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Can we get someone to remove all this name calling in here. It makes the thread hard to read for the stuff that matters.

    Also another thing I want to point out that misfire triggered for me

    I think changing all the sounds in one go will result in more disliking than if you change them batch by batch. And by batch by batch I mean different vehicle weapons, different mg's etc etc. Not all vehicle weapons at once.

    What I think this will solve is people not thinking about the sounds as "not matching"to the game. If you change all the sounds its like a complete new environment to learn, if you change a few its easyer to learn

    Also I think you'll get better feedback from it
    If you change 5-10 things at a time people will notice, ow these things sound different, let me think about if I like it or not.

    If you change it all at once people will be like omg everything changed Iduno whats happening Ill just point out the things that are super wrong because I dont know what sounds good and bad because everything is relative

    Does this make sense?
  19. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    The problem is, I DID change stuff at a slow rate for the last two months. That list of people I gave tried out lots of the different versions (excluding you), and it generally passed everyone's inspection, which led me to believe this was going to be a positive well received change. Some people I even asked and they said "later" and then never did. I did my best to be open and well receiving to suggestions by begging people to test it ahead of time.

    For two months I have been plugging this on the server, asking people to come try it out. I have been messaging people to try it out so I can get feedback. I have been talking up the update of sounds because from the testers I heard only positive things.... I did my part to ensure everyone had the ability to test this, give feedback, and make it to everyone's liking.

    Future updates will only be updating a few sounds at a time. The reason I did this all in one go was because if I didn't, stuff would sound lopsided and off.

    Edit: I agree the arguing should be removed. Also, the damage to CV because of a pistol shot no longer plays the commander is under attack. I know you requested that to be fixed and it is.
  20. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    You completely misunderstood what im trying to say.

    With slow rate I do not mean some people try the entirely new package.
    With slow rate I want to say, of the 100 sounds you are going to replace. Replace 10 at a time. And replace them monthly instead of 100 at once.

    If you replace all of them at once people wont know what to listen to, what to discover.
    If you replace 10 of them, people will be more likely to pay attention to those 10 and tell you how they feel about it.

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