I think they should get a damage bonus... just not the mines. How many RPG's does it currently take to kill a com? Its got to be a lot.
As it is, 4 grens and a scout with stuns can easily take out a CV in no time at all with the grens at a far range. From what I can tell, there's no need to make it any easier.
I didn't read any of the other long/boring posts in this thread, but this one is good shit. It made me think.
Ok, 4 grens and a sticky. Still how many rpg shots is that? Its possible that if the shots are high enough the whole thing could have been avoided. The com should not have been in a vulnerable position away from base or even if he was in base. Say a fully loaded jeep/apc got in the base... still that is the teams/commanders fault for letting that happen with no resistance.
Comm armor is 250 health a plate. The hull has 1500 health. Rpg does 130 damage a hit. Assuming you can dumb fire them with out guiding them, a gren can fire every 3 seconds. I think there is 6 plates on the front, which is ((250*6)+1500)/130=23.0769, or really 24 shots. It has 5 on the sides and 4 on the back, so total shots and 4 grens firing at the same time is: Front: 24 shots, 18 seconds Side: 22 shots, Still 18 seconds Back: 20 shots, 15 seconds Arty strikes will reduce the time, people guiding the rocket will also increase the time, but this the bare minimum time it takes to kill a comm with 4 grens and 1 scout sticky stunning. If you really wanted to nerf ninjas and rushes a bit, increase the health of the comm. Wouldn't completely stop it, but games wouldn't end in under 20 seconds at least. Though, I do assume beerdude's list has better plans on dealing with this.
Well the stun doesnt last long, and you need to take in account of the reloading between each missile. If you synchronize the stuns instead of throwing all of them at once, you can keep it stunned longer. I keep this in mind when there isn't an ammo box in reach. Not to mention we are all estimating this on memory of past experiences. How about somebody records the timings and put it on a youtube video with an ammo box for stuns and without for stuns. I would be willing to time it if somebody can record 5 people shitting on the CV to get the facts down correctly.
When I made that I shoulda mentioned that it was more of a deal of long distance rpg sniping, so the scout could be hitting any other plate. I swear sticky stuns last 10 seconds. Though if a scout throws all 4 grenades at the front or sides it does take the time down to 15, back isn't affected though because it needs one more rpg to kill. If the players have the comm walled or something so grens can fire at close range it is better to fire the mortar because of that 2 second reload time compared to rpg's 3 second. Front would take 12 seconds, or 10 if including sticky stun damage. Back would be 10, even including stun damage. This is all just looking at the raw numbers though, empires is full of variables, which is why a lot of things fail or take like 2-3 times as long to accomplish. Nothing is stopping you from having another 4 grens or just replacing the grens with rifleman if comm is close enough to sticky.
I already said that rifleman sticky would be the fastest way and the most "secured" way to kill a CV. In fact, I am sure this stuff went famous after I claimed it's highly feasible.
Heck, this was around even in feudal japan - warriors would attach rudimentary fireworks to the enemy's horses. I mean, the vehicles were a little different but same concept.