But isn't replacing the bin files necessary to make this hud show up correctly? Otherwise parts of it aren't aligned correctly, is what I have heard/understood.
1 question; is there a way to bring back the old image for the com view on the minimap? i did not realize how convenient it was knowing which way the com was looking. the rest of it though is kick ass. thank you very much for the good work.
\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\Empires\materials\vgui\comm comm_icon.vtf Replace it with the one which you'll get from some full installation Empires packet. Note: Install the full packet somewhere else than in sourcemods\empires. Like on your desktop or something.
Just installed in on 2.24 and it works just perfect! MANY thanks!! Just don't replace the bin folder or you'll get some nagging about some class's stuff the server does not use.
http://raegquit.com/NESQUIKO/vgui/release/main.jpg For that you should make like, tanks going across firing at enemy tanks, so you'll see like, a couple of NF Heavies on fire rolling past slowly, aiming forward, and then two seconds after you'll see two BE Heavies rolling past slowly, firing cannons at them, followed by like, three NF jeeps and one BE APC :D