I don't see anything wrong with the current nf rax if it had ladders allowing roof access. Though it would be cool if have different versions of raxes to place instead of the single standard RTS gameplay.
one (very minor) thing which has always bothered me about empires was that NF is bio enhanced but it shows in absolutely nothing about them. on that note why dont you add some like glowing green canisters or something to use as the door blocker and/or a few tubes going from canisters outside into the building to give it a more 'chemical' feel. then again this may be a bad suggestion because it is 8 in the morning and i am super tired (hint, i did not wake up this early). either way though, looking good so far
Funny you should say that, I added big pipes to the side in lieu of the vents and I think it looks good. I'd like to add more pipework but it's quite polygon intensive and a little difficult to texture because you have to texture it before you bend it. What do you think? The way to go?
I've worked on industrial sites before .. refineries / power plants etc.. From a realism standpoint, the pipes wouldn't be patched together like that, even at 60" diameter (5 feet). The base material would be carbon steel(black/dark greey) most likely and so just add some rust and a little wear and tear. Not everything needs the nuts'n'boltz texture, you know? I'm not even sure of the pipes in the first place.. Maybe there are some underground vats that clones pop out of? Doesn't probably matter. It should probably have a walkway down in the front. Also the top two 'plates' between the vents could be changed to a different texture of flat steel. Maybe raise the front wall up so it forms a ridge between the roof and the wall so you can sit on top and prone and have a little cover. The side panels between pipes could use some detailing. Maybe a frame around metal slats ? And what is this supposed to be sitting on? Wood? Try cinder blocks/ concrete. There is no way a military application would use wood on a building as it wouldn't stand explosion or gunfire. Also, frame the door more. with all that heavy steel, cutting out a door would need a little more structural support. While we are framing, the pipes could use framing into the steel structure as well. They'd have metal sleeves through the wall. So either rework the wall to form bolts around the pipe or bring out a frame around the pipes entering the building too.
I don't really think that is a big deal. It's not like you can't tell them apart when you're close. And you should already know where -your- barracks are. For NF-ification, maybe just lose the symmetry?
I know it doesn't really have to make sense, but would you mind justifying the pipes? It DOES look better with them, but why pipes? The only purpose I could think of is to channel heat from underground for power, but then all the NF buildings would need them.
I've got it! Those aren't pipes but instead ANCHORS! NF has had a problem with buildings flying away on them lately.
Well I was planning to give all the NF buildings them, I was going to redo all the NF buildings in a more industrial style, then then perhaps redo the BE ones in greater detail. However vess suggested that I add some sort of hatch in the floor to make it look like the building is actually just a front end for an underground bunker, which also means I don't have to put beds in it because I can say they're all underground. I think that's a pretty good theme so I'll go with that. The rest of the space can probably be filled with ventilation equipment. Also I like pipes, so much of source is angular because that's all hammer can really do, I think it's a refreshing break to have lots of round things laying about the place.
The pipes look pointless and kinda ruin the look of the building :/ how about something like a solid slope down from the sides? So the building forms kinda a half circle?