yep. Attention would be start-up second rate clans that won't EVER scrim: MEG still has socialized medicine to poach.
But MEG won't scrim either. I'm not saying it was a smart idea for Uninspired to join some half-ass clan, but he knows too well that MEG is also a "second-rate clan that won't ever scrim". You guys only give the impression you have the men, only to have >50% ringers. If you really want to have MEG scrim-ready, get rid of your existing leadership and have some of the component players give it a shot.
Making a 3rd, half-ass clan won't solve the problem. This seems to happen every time MEG has a hiccup. We don't need a "troll-clan-by-Paradox-cuz-he-butthurt-about-MEG" and other gimmicks clans; none of these clans will be able to scrim if you split the playerbase. Get rid of the current, retarded leadership of MEG and be scrim-rdy in 2 weeks. Many of MEG's old members won't join your clan and you know it, hobbes. Your clan will be lucky to get a half dozen players (including trolls). Take your free time and help MEG/Empires, not waste your time with nonsense.
I'm in my finals year and have absolutely no time for Empires, let alone a computer. It doesn't help that the last two scrims that were supposed to happen with us never materialized, so now this entire game just seems like a race between Empires being completely dead and the new patch.
On this rare occasion, I'm going to disagree. They're forming this as a group, which always helps (EPIC was done this way), rather than 1 single person. There are still enough active players who aren't in scrimmable clans, MEG, EnT, Molly, Moojuice's, Consortium. There's room for a 3rd serious clan besides BSID and EPIC right now, and if they do it as a group, rather than Paradox being dumb and doing it himself and left to make his own stupid decisions, then it could actually work. I mean sure, they aren't the most intelligent 3 players you'll find, but they could do a lot worse. If the game picks up enough to keep itself active, I think they could find the players to make something of themselves.
THEN STOP ORGANIZING FUCKING SCRIMS YOU DUMB CUNT! I'm not actively in the clan for the same reason. I'm not saying that you can't be in a clan, BUT STOP LEADING SHIT YOU CANNOT ORGANIZE. I talked to hobbes already yesterday and misunderstood his goal. I wasn't aware that he was working with Paradox and getting MEGs (and hopefully other clanless vets) into his clan. I thought he wanted to make a 3rd "MEG-ish clan that can't get the numbers". If Consortium (it is dead, guys) joins Molly, I'm pretty sure that they can give BSID & EPIC some competition. I won't be actively leading anything until my gameplan is set for after I graduate this semester.
Excellent, then they can use the [On|E "group"'s excuse that "we're not a clan, so we're not obliged to accept any scrims" :p
What I meant was, they're forming this as 3 people together, (EPIC formed with 4), rather than "I want to lead a clan everyone join me". Between them, they have a wide playerbase of friends that they can bring in, and it's not just another FN personality cult that people need to follow to get in.
Look who's talking. You're almost the same as Connexion since your RAGE clan was lead by yourself and it failed horribly. Cmon Paradox, stop acting like a big boy and get rid of dat make-up.