it needs more colors then grey and what about more detail? On the more serious side... Whats the poly count?
i really liked the original, id say thisone is only marginally better which is pretty amazing since i really liked the original
Wait a minute, this might be a stupid question, but isn't the poly count bound to the model and the model only? Would animation and texture change the poly count?
Polycount you say? right now I am sitting at about 2197 Vertices. I was not going to modify any of the Empires weapons, but When I tried exporting them from Source they came out incomplete, so I have to modify them anyways since in Unity I wanted to make want was seen in first person the same as by the other players, I know how it is now, their are two versions the FPS view of the player model, and the third person view in source. I am going to make them all one in the same in Unity to save time. Also looking at the heavy NF armor Megel drew jsut did not seem to look right next to the current NF rifle.
Well, technically you do want to skin/texture it in a high-poly form, then when you reduce the poly count you'll be able to bake the high detail features into texture and normal maps. It probably also helps when you're making LoDs. However, I'm just saying that a model that is neither skinned or animated will be useless no matter what the polycount is, so it's best to focus on getting those done first. (Valve's recent TF2 weapons seem to echo that sentiment, from what I hear. A million-billion polys for a rocket launcher.)
same models for first person and world model? people still playing on calculators are not going to like it also, can you tell megel the he wanted me to give another model recently? he did not do that till now and i would really like to start modeling for you guys if you already got designs (i just dont got enough ideas myself most of the time ;P)
i doubt that those, dunno 2k?, polies make a huge difference. engines usually backface-cull and 90% of the time your model is outside your view-frustum anyway - apart from the hands ofc a nice sideeffect of not having seperate view models is that you automatically see your own feet/body, something i really miss in most FPS games ...
Forgot to mention that, a slightly longer clip would of looked a bit cooler, I dislike the 'nam M16 style a bit, but it's fine as it is.
Model might lose tris if while you rig and animate it. Tris that are never visible can be removed for the sake of optimisation.